Germany on brink of RECESSION: Merkel in crisis amid cars, tariffs and Brexit turmoil

GERMANY economy shrank by 0.1 percent in the second quarter, gross domestic product figures revealed today sending Germany halfway towards recession as Angela Merkel faces economic contraction.

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

Germany CRISIS

Germany CRISIS: A decline in Germany's economy is expected to be announced today (Image: GETTY)

Germany are set for DECLINE in GDP claims economist

Thought of as a powerhouse in the European economy, Germany on Wednesday recorded a shrinking economy as the quarterly gross domestic product figures were published. Overall, the data showed Germany's GDP has fallen by 0.1 percent in the second quarter of 2019. This follows gains of 0.4 percent in the first quarter, and 0.2 percent in the second across the Eurozone as a whole.

The contraction is being blamed on a combination of upheaval in Germany’s automobile industry, the UK’s indecisive exit from the European Union and the US-China trade war.

Melanie Vogelbach at the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce told The Telegraph: “The challenges for the German economy are mainly based on international factors: trade conflicts, sanctions and the scenario of a no-deal Brexit.

“Trade wars are never good and for an economy that relies as much on exports as German industry, that is a very important factor.”

Economists are worried these factors could trigger the first-ever recession for the world’s fourth-largest economy.

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Germany CRISIS

Germany CRISIS: Angela Merkel faces economic uncertainty with the GDP figures (Image: GETTY)

Exports for Germany have fallen eight percent over the past year for the export-reliant country, and industrial production itself has fallen by 5.2 percent.

Ulrich Ackermann, head of foreign trade at VDMA - the trade body for machine manufacturers - told the Financial Times: “If companies expect the investment climate is going down they stop ordering components and reduce their stocks, so this can happen very fast.

“It is the first sign that the economy is declining. It is usually component companies that get hit first.”

The Chinese market being under strain is one reason Germany is struggling as in 2018, nearly a quarter of all cars sold in China were German.

This was more than a third of BMW and Daimler’s total sales, according to ING.

ING economist Carsten Brzeski said: “It’s not actually the trade conflict that is most concerning but the structural shifts in the Chinese automotive market, which could turn out to be one of the biggest threats in the years ahead.”

The jobs market is also declining, with just 1,000 jobs created in June - far less than the 44,000 average growth in June.

Adding to the problem, a number of industrial companies have also cut workers hours recently.

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Germany Crisis

Germany Crisis: Germany's economic growth quarter on quarter (Image: EXPRESS)

The decline in German GDP has caused concern among economists and trade associations. 

Economists and trade associations have called for policies to tackle corporate tax cuts and increased investment in Germany. 

In particular, the prospects of further deterioration over the coming months due to weak exports and weak manufacturing figures, economic experts say, give little hope for a speedy recovery.

Martin Wansleben, Managing Director of the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce (DIHK) said: “After the good start of the year, the companies have arrived in the harsh economic reality and there is currently no turning point in sight. Business expectations are falling in all sectors.”

Mr Wansleben emphasised that in addition to global uncertainties, trade disputes and the effects of Brexit, there is also headwind in Germany. 

Germany CRISIS

Germany CRISIS: Fears of a no-deal Brexit are adding to Germany's economic troubles (Image: GETTY)

While the average tax burden for companies in Western industrialised countries is around 24 percent, P&L companies in Germany paid around 30 percent corporate taxes or more. 

He warned: ”If we do not take countermeasures, the German economy will literally be caught out in the face of a slowing economy.”

Klaus Günter Deutsch, head of research, industrial and economic policy at BDI told The Financial Times: “The government is looking at this with concern as the economy is deteriorating faster than it had expected.

“I think the attention should now shift to fiscal policy.”

Also in decline is investor confidence in Germany, which according to research group ZEW is at an all-time low since 2011.

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ZEW president Achim Wambach has attributed the shock lul in confidence on a mixture of the threat of a no-deal Brexit at a high, the threat of a global currency war and the increasing US-China trade tensions.

If the economy shrinks again in the current summer quarter, experts will speak of a "technical recession". The last time there were two consecutive minus quarters was at the end of 2012.

According to the GfK consumer researchers, consumers have recently become more cautious about spending money.

GfK consumer climate expert Rolf Bürkl recently said reports of downsizing and the introduction of short-time working has made the fear of job losses grow.


Germany CRISIS

Germany CRISIS: Manufacturing is in decline, and exports are too (Image: GETTY)

Head of the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW), Marcel Fratzscher, said in an interview with n-tv: "We see a slowdown in the economy, but it is not a crisis now.

"The German economy is fundamentally healthy.

"We have healthy structures, companies are competitive, they are innovative, and the labour market is still doing very well."

Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Tuesday at a readers' forum of the "Ostsee-Zeitung" she currently sees no need for stimulus packages, although the economy is entering a "difficult phase.

Ms Merkel warned against talking badly about the economy adding: "We will act according to the situation."

Additional reporting by Monika Pallenberg

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