Donald Tusk pokes fun at Brexit with ANOTHER Instagram post - ‘We should be FRIENDS’

DONALD Tusk has once again taken to Instagram to poke fun at Brexit, as he shared a letter believed to have been sent to him by a 6-year-old English girl.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

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The President of the European Council published the letter from a child living in London on his Instagram page. But the message, complete with stickers and the drawing of a unicorn, features an apparently pointed meaning to -backing Britons and MPs. It reads: "Dear Mr , I live in Britain. I know we are leaving the EU. But I think we should be friends. From Sophie, aged 6." 

And next to the unicorn, the youngster added: “I have drawn you a unicorn”.

The mythological animal has been often used to address in a mocking way some of the plans pursued by UK MPs and the Government during the Brexit negotiations.

Mr Tusk responded in his social media post by writing: "We will always be friends, Sophie."  


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Donald Tusk published this letter on his Instagram account (Image: INSTAGRAM/GETTY)

The Instagram post sparked quite a reaction on social media, with Guy Verhofstadt quickly picking up the letter to share it with a pro-European message on Twitter.

The European Parliament's Brexit coordinator Mr Verhofstadt said the letter put "everything in perspective".

He wrote: "Sometimes it takes a child to put everything in perspective.

"What a terrible waste Brexit is. #IamEuropean”  


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Guy Verhofstadt shared the letter on Twitter (Image: TWITTER)

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Donald Tusk is not new to using his social media platforms to take a subtle swipe at Brexit (Image: GETTY)

Other pro-European social media users commented the Instagram post from Mr Tusk expressing sadness for the little girl’s words.

One wrote: “That’s so cute! The poor little girl - imagine growing up thinking you will not get to be Europe’s friends because your politicians are unable to agree on anything!“

Another called for Article 50 to be revoked and cancel Brexit, writing: “Heart-breaking! Withdraw from that stupid 50!!! Think of your children!”

But many other social media users said they believe the letter to be fake.  

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One of Donald Tusk's Instagram posts taking a swipe at Brexit (Image: INSTAGRAM)

One wrote: “A 30 year old remoaner defiantly wrote that.”

Another mocked people believing the letter was genuine, saying: “The amount of people that think this is real makes my head hurt.”

And another added: “You should have been clear that Sophie is actually a British MP...”

Mr Tusk is not new to using his social media platforms to take a subtle swipe at the British Government and Brexit. 

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In September, the Brussels chief shared a photo of himself and Theresa May choosing a sweet treat from a spread of food at a summit in Salzburg.

Referring to the accusation launched by the EU against Britain of “cherry-picking” the terms of the future UK-EU relationship, Mr Tusk wrote: "A piece of cake, perhaps? Sorry, no cherries.”

In February, Mr Tusk prompted angry responses when he tweeted there was a "special place in hell" for those who promoted Brexit without a plan to deliver it.

He wrote: "I've been wondering what that special place in hell looks like, for those who promoted Brexit, without even a sketch of a plan how to carry it out safely".    

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