Brexit vote LIVE: May vows no deal REMAINS default despite MPs voting against crashing out

THERESA MAY has suffered a new humiliating defeat as MPs chose to reject a no deal Brexit in any scenario by 321 votes to 278, with a majority of 43 votes.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Brexit vote: MPs vote to REJECT no deal

The vote came after John Bercow, the Speaker of the House of Commons, called two amendments out of the five proposed earlier today to the attention of MPs. Britain’s representatives are expected to vote on them at 7pm, after hours of fierce discussions in Parliament. Mr Bercow chose Caroline Spelman’s and Damian Green’s amendments. 

The first one, tabled by Tory MP Caroline Spelman and Labour MP Jack Dromey, calls for ruling out a no-deal .

It is backed by senior figures across the House, including Hilary Benn, Nick Boles and Yvette Cooper, and sees the support of all the 11 members of the Independent Group, born out of a rebellion against Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn in February.

The second amendment, also known as the Malthouse Compromise, has been tabled by a group of Tory MPs backing both leave and remain, and wants the UK to ask for an extension of Article 50 to give the Government time for preparations to leave the union without a deal. 


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Theresa May said she is voting against a no deal Brexit tonight (Image: PA)

The outcome of the MPs’ vote tonight will set in motion two very different scenarios.

If Mrs Spelman’s amendment wins the majority in Parliament, MPs will be called to vote again tomorrow on whether to extend Article 50. 

If the Malthouse Compromise wins the support of MPs, the UK will have to ramp up preparations for a no-deal scenario in case Mrs  doesn’t win any other concession from the EU at the EU summit taking place later this month and the country finds itself without a plan to orderly leave the bloc.

Tonight’s vote comes after Mrs May’s withdrawal agreement, struck in November with Brussels, was voted down for the second time by 149 MPs, including the members of Jacob Rees-Mogg’s European Research Group (ERG).


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MPs voted in favour of the Spelman amendment (Image: EXPRESS)

10.30pm update: DUP is 'relaxed' about the ongoing Brexit chaos

Daily Telegraph’s Jack Maidment quoted a DUP source saying: “We are quite relaxed about the current situation. We have been in this type of position before.

"Things tend to go down to the wire. We will keep pushing for a good deal.”

10pm update: Jeremy Corbyn asks the Government to let Parliament work on the Brexit plan set out by the Labour Party - and doesn't mention a second referendum

Following tonight's vote, Jeremy Corbyn said: “Tonight this house has once again definitely ruled out no deal. The Prime Minister said the choice was between her deal and no deal. In the last 24 hours Parliament has decisively rejected both her deal and no deal. While an extension of Article 50 is now inevitable, the responsibility for that extension lies solely and squarely at the prime minister’s door.

“But extending Article 50 without a clear objective is not a solution.

“Parliament must now take control of the situation. In the days that follow, myself, the Shadow Brexit Secretary and others will have meetings with members across this House to find a compromise solution that can command support in the House. This means doing what the Prime Minister failed to do two years ago: search for a consensus on the way forward.

“Labour has set out a credible alternative plan. Honourable members across this house are coming forward with proposals, whether that’s for a permanent customs union, a public vote, Norway plus or other ideas.

“Let us, as a House of Commons work now to find a solution - to deal with the crisis facing the country and the deep concerns that many people have for their livelihood, their lives, their future, their jobs, their communities and their factories. It’s up to us, as the House of Commons, to look for and find a solution to their concerns. That is what we were elected to do.”

Brexit vote: Corbyn calls for General Election after May's defeat

9.40pm update: Jacob Rees-Mogg MAY back Theresa May's deal

Jacob Rees-Mogg, chair of the European Research Group, said he may support the withdrawal agreement on a third meaningful vote. 

He said: "We will have to see if there is any change.

"There are discussions today in relation to what Geoffrey Cox has had to say to the DUP and, crucially, what may be put in the withdrawal and implementation bill which could have an effect on how people vote.

"So I’m not the immovable object facing the irresistible force."

If he were to vote in support of the deal, Mr Rees-Mogg would be in stark disagreement with his deputy chair, Steve Baker, who had said shortly before him he will never support Theresa May's withdrawal agreement. 

He said: "I’ll say to the government now, when meaningful vote three comes back, I will see to it that we keep voting this down however many times it’s brought back, whatever pressure we’re put under and come what may.

"Please don’t do it. Keep going back to the EU and say, ‘It wont pass'." 

Jacob Rees-Mogg

Jacob Rees-Mogg said he may back the withdrawal agreement (Image: AFP/GETTY)

9.30pm update: Anna Soubry spoke of a 'constitutional crisis' 

The member of the Independent Group said: "It is a constitutional crisis and I'm sorry if it bores people on that side of the House who have just voted as Conservatives for a no-deal, but in any event Mr Speaker there is a real concern that time and again this House speaks and we vote as you have seen this evening and the response at the despatch box is, in effect, for what we pass to be utterly dismissed.

"And somehow Mr Speaker we seek your guidance as a House as to how we actually can have a genuine impact on the way that this Brexit is now conducted and how this Government responds.

"We hear tonight that four cabinet ministers abstained, we hear of other ministers who have resigned.

"It is a crisis of unprecedented levels and I'm afraid it's a front bench that yet again has many pairs of tin ears and it's got to stop." 

8.55pm update: Theresa May is not planning to go back to Brussels for more negotiations

The Prime Minister's spokesman said there were no plans to go back to Brussels for more negotiations.

And, when asked whether a deal needed to be passed before the European summit, he said: "If the House wishes for the Prime Minister to be in a position where she can request only a short technical extension then a deal would have to be agreed before the end of next week." 

8.45pm update: Minister who rebelled against Government's whip says Theresa May has his 'full support'

Scottish Secretary David Mundell, who abstained on the motion, said: "I've always opposed a no-deal Brexit.

"The House made its view clear by agreeing the Spelman amendment, I didn't think it was right for me to oppose that.

"The PM has my full support in her objective of leaving the EU with a deal to deliver an orderly Brexit."

8.40pm update: Full list of ministers who defied Theresa May's whip

The Division List showed 17 ministers defied the Prime Minister and abstained in the vote on the amended Government motion.

They were: Solicitor General Robert Buckland, Foreign Office minister Alistair Burt, Business Secretary Greg Clark, Defence minister Tobias Ellwood, Justice Secretary David Gauke, Business minister Richard Harrington, Culture minister Margot James, Education minister Anne Milton, Scottish Secretary David Mundell, Business minister Claire Perry and Work and Pensions Secretary Amber Rudd.

A further 17 Conservative MPs voted in favour of the amended Government motion.

They were: Guto Bebb (Aberconwy), Richard Benyon (Newbury), Nick Boles (Grantham and Stamford), Kenneth Clarke (Rushcliffe), Jonathan Djanogly (Huntingdon), George Freeman (Mid Norfolk), Justine Greening (Putney), Dominic Grieve (Beaconsfield), Sam Gyimah (East Surrey), Phillip Lee (Bracknell), Oliver Letwin (West Dorset), Paul Masterton (East Renfrewshire), Sarah Newton (Truro and Falmouth), Mark Pawsey (Rugby), Antoinette Sandbach (Eddisbury), Nicholas Soames (Mid Sussex), Edward Vaizey (Wantage).

Downing Street said ministers who voted against the whip tonight will be expected to resign but those who abstained will not.

Jeremy Corbyn

Jeremy Corbyn voted to reject a no deal scenario (Image: PA)

8.35pm update: The pound marks its best day of 2019 following the vote

The pound hit $1.33 for the first time since February 28 following the vote in Parliament. 

The British currency is currently enjoying its best day so far of 2019. 

Naeem Aslam of City firm Think Markets says traders are relieved that MPs voted not to accept no deal tonight. 

But the expert added: "The fact is that it is comforting to know that no deal Brexit scenario is off the table, but at the same time there is no table.

"This is because May’s party is in more disarray and Brexit has become a laughing matter for everyone."

8.30pm update: 17 Tory MPs defeated the party's whip on the Government motion 

17 Conservative MPs voted in favour of the amended motion tabled by the Government earlier today.

Theresa May had initially said she would have allowed a free vote, but after her motion was changed by the Spelman amendment she is believed to have urged Tories to vote the motion down. 

Cabinet ministers also ignored the whip, with many of them abstaining. 

Among them there are Amber Rudd and Philip Hammond. 

Philip Hammond

Philip Hammond is believed to have ignored the party's whip on tonight's vote (Image: PA)

8.20pm update: Tomorrow's motion spelled out by the Speaker of the House 

John Bercow read out the Government motion tabled for tomorrow. 

It sets next Wednesday as the deadline for MPs to pass a Brexit deal. 

If Theresa May's deal or any other deal is not approved by then, the Government will seek an extension of Article 50, lasting on June 30. 

If there won't be a deal by then, the Government will then have to seek a longer extension, forcing the country to take part to the European elections in May. 

Mr Bercow stated the motion can be amended. 

8.12pm update: Government hits by the first resignation following tonight's rejection of a no deal scenario 

Sarah Newton has resigned as a minister at the Department for Work and Pensions over the Brexit vote, a DWP source said. 

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Theresa May suffered a second humiliating defeat on her deal yesterday (Image: PA)

8.10pm update: The European Commission reacts to tonight's votes 

The BBC's Brussels reporter Adam Fleming said the EU has taken note of the votes that took place tonight. 

In the message he reported, the European Commission said: “We take note of the votes in the House of Commons this evening.

“There are only two ways to leave the EU: with or without a deal.

“The EU is prepared for both.

“To take no deal off the table, it is not enough to vote against no deal - you have to agree to a deal.

“We have agreed a deal with the Prime Minister and the EU is ready to sign it.”

8.05pm update: Tories 'FURIOUS' at Yvette Cooper

Remain-backing Tories are believed to be furious at Labour MP Yvette Cooper, who moved the Spelman amendment even after Caroline Spelman tried to withdraw it. 

The political correspondent of the Daily Telegraph, Steven Swinford, said: "Absolute fury tonight among Tory Remainers with Yvette Cooper.

"They spent the whole day trying to persuade her and colleagues to drop the Spelman amendment.

"Instead she pushed it, meaning they felt they had no choice but to abstain on no deal vote.

"'She's totally f***ed us'." 

Brexit vote: Theresa May responds after MPs reject no deal

8pm update: Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said the Commons can now take control of Brexit

Labour leader said that Parliament must now take control of the Brexit process and his party will work across the House of Commons to seek a compromise solution.

7.50pm update: The House of Commons entirely rules out a no deal Brexit 

MPs have voted to reject a no deal Brexit by 321 votes to 278, with a majority of 43 votes. 

Theresa May, who is believed to have voted against the Government motion, said: "The legal default in the UK and EU law remains that the UK will leave without a deal unless something else is agreed. 

"The onus is now on everyone in this House to find out what that is. 

"We could leave with the deal negotiated, we could leave with a deal we have negotiated but subjected to a second referendum, but that could mean no Brexit at all, damaging the fragile trust between the British public and MPs, we could seek a different deal, however the EU has said the only deal is the one rejected by the House yesterday." 

The Government will now bring forward a motion on seeking an extension to Article 50, to be voted tomorrow. 

theresa may

Theresa May is believed to have voted against her Government's motion (Image: SKY NEWS)

7.45pm update: Government believed to be whipping MPs against backing ITS OWN motion 

BBC political editor Laura Kuenssberg wrote on Twitter: "So... the main vote is now on whether UK can EVER leave the EU without a deal (because of earlier Spelman vote) - govt is now said to be trying to force its own MP s to vote against its own motion - frankly things so chaotic this could implode by mistake." 

7.35pm update: MPs reject the Malthouse Compromise 

The Malthouse Compromise tabled by Damian Green has been rejected by MPs, with a majority of 210 votes. 

Some 164 MPs supported it while 374 MPs rejected it. 

MPs are now voting on the main motion tabled by the Government, amendment accordingly to the result of the vote on the Spelman amendment. 

The amendment itself is not legally-binding, which means that at the moment, despite the vote, the UK is still leaving the EU on March 29 without a deal, if the Government can't strike one on time. 

The amendment itself just signals a desire of the MPs to extend Article 50 in the event of a no deal. 

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149 MPs voted down Theresa May's deal yesterday (Image: EXPRESS)

7.30pm update:  

Gina Miller said rejecting a no deal Brexit represented a first step back "onto the path to commonsense", but urged MPs to now make it legally binding.

She wrote on Twitter: "Vote tonight 1st step back onto the path to commonsense and our country's interest before party.

"Now need it to be binding legislation."

7.25pm update: Yvette Cooper explains why she moved the Spelman amendment

Yvette Cooper, who moved the Spelman amendment after Caroline Spelman tried to withdraw it during the debate which took place earlier today, explained why she decided to carry on with the vote. 

She wrote on Twitter: "Voting now for amendment a. I welcome assurances from Ministers on the Government’s intentions & will vote for the main motion against No Deal if this amendment is not passed. But think it also helpful for House to have chance to vote for a simpler, clearer motion too." 

Brexit: 'No other option than a no deal exit' says Brexiteer

7.15pm update: The Spelman amendment is APPROVED by MPs 

MPs passed the Spelman amendment by 312 votes to 308, ruling out a no deal Brexit. 

They are now voting on the Malthouse Compromise. 

7.10pm update: What does the Spelman amendment say

If Dame Caroline Spelman's amendment passes, the Government motion won't be voted later tonight as it would become redundant. 

This is what the amendment initially tabled by Tory backbencher Mrs Spelman says: "Line 1, leave out from 'house' to end and add 'rejects the United Kingdom leaving the European Union without a withdrawal agreement and a framework for the future relationship'." 

This amendment is very similar to the one passed by 318 votes to 310 in the Commons in January. 

Brexit vote: No deal will put UK on ‘war footing’ says Gyimah

7pm update: The Spelman amendment voted by the MPs

Caroline Spelman said she wanted to withdraw her amendment but Yvette Cooper, who co-signed it, decided to move it anyway. 

The House is now voting on whether to rule out a no deal Brexit in any circumstances.  

6.58pm update: Liam Fox warns MPs against frustrating the result of the Brexit referendum

International Trade Secretary Liam Fox said during the debate ahead of the vote that there are some MPs seeking to "defy" the result of the 2016 EU Referendum.

Warning against preventing the UK from leaving the EU, he said: "We in this House need to understand the democratic disaster that would await us if we supported that course". 

He also said the UK has been portrayed as "inept and intimidated" during the past months of negotiations, but he doesn't recognise the picture that has been painted. 

6.55pm update: No deal Brexit will take the country "on a war footing"

Tory MP Sam Gyimah said a no deal Brexit will take the country on "a war footing". 

He told MPs: "What will happen if we were to leave on 29th March without a deal is that we will be on a war footing when there is noexternal threat."

john redwood

John Redwood supports a no deal Brexit scenario (Image: GETTY)

6.46pm update: John Redwood warns Parliament faces a popular REBELLION

Brexit-backing Tory MP John Redwood threatened a public revolt against Parliament if MPs voted to block a no-deal Brexit. 

Calling for a no deal Brexit, Mr Redwood, who has voted down Theresa May's withdrawal agreement, said: "This Parliament must allow us to leave on March 29 otherwise it will be the people against the Parliament." 

His remarks has been attacked by Tory Remainer Dominic Grieve, who branded "troubling" supporting a no deal out of dissatisfaction of Mrs May's deal.  

He said: "It is an extraordinary form of frenzy.

"You smash up the china first and then when you're not satisfied with the china you've smashed you decide to smash some more.

"That is what we're facing and it's my duty to do everything I possibly can to prevent it." 

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MPs are voting on the Spelman amendment (Image: SKY NEWS )

6.40pm update: Punters believe Parliament will vote down a no deal scenario

Betting website Sporting Index believes a total of 500 MPs will reject a no deal scenario. 

Ed Fulton, political trading spokesman for Sporting Index, said: “It’s been a whirlwind week so far for British politics, and we’re expecting overwhelming support from MPs to swerve the no-deal Brexit, a motion which will be backed by Theresa May herself.

“We predict ayes for tonight’s proposal to be as high as 500 – which should pave the way for a third vote sometime in the next few weeks before the deadline of 29th March.”

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Theresa May arriving to the Houses of Parliament (Image: PA)

6.35pm update: Liz Truss to back no deal option

Liz Truss, the chief secretary to the Treasury, said she is likely to vote to keep a no deal Brexit on the table. 

And speakint to BBC Radio 4 about Theresa May's withdrawal agreement, she said: "I think it is still alive, I do. Ultimately, when you look at the alternatives - which are a customs union, no Brexit or no-deal - Theresa May’s deal is more attractive than those other three options.

"I think that’s the conclusion MPs will ultimately come to."

6.30pm update: Damian Green moves his amendment as Caroline Spelman tries to withdraw hers

Tory former cabinet minister Damian Green has move his amendment in the Commons, stating one of the purposes was to avoid a "cliff-edge no deal Brexit for which it's clear the country as a whole and in particular many of our major industries are not prepared".

He said: "I think that no deal on March 29 would be a disaster for the economy of the country.

"Voting against no deal does not mean that a deal will magically emerge. This House has to agree a deal and that deal needs to be acceptable to the EU.

“We can pass motions ruling out no deal until we're blue in the face but it will make no difference unless there are options that this House will support."

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The possible Brexit outcomes the UK is facing (Image: EXPRESS)

6.15pm update: Caroline Spelman tries to withdraw her OWN amendment

Caroline Spelman tried to withdraw her amendment saying it is more important to have a vote on the Government motion than on her amendment, which is similar to what has already been voted for in January. 

John Bercow didn't allow her to withdraw the motion, saying it's now been debated and it is in the hands of the House. 

Mrs Spelman then said she no longer supports her amendment. The amendment will be voted if other signatories bring it forward. 

But Jack Dromey, who tabled it with Mrs Spelman, told Sky News he doesn't want to move the amendment. 

It is unclear whether the House will vote on the motion later tonight. 

The amendment goes further than the Government's own wording, as it rules out a no deal in any scenarios rather than saying Parliament does not want to leave without a deal on March 29 but the default legal position is to leave the EU without a deal unless one is ratified.

The Government is whipping Conservative MPs to vote against 's amendment.  

caroline spelman

Caroline Spelman has tried to withdraw her own amendment (Image: GETTY)

6pm update: Commons to REJECT no deal, says Hilary Benn

Chair of the Exiting the EU Committee Hilary Benn said tonight's vote will silence once and for all Theresa May's slogan "no deal is better than a bad deal". 

Mr Benn branded the slogan "nonsensical", saying a no deal "would inflict the greatest damage onto our economy." 

He added the House will never let the country leave the bloc without a deal, "not toay and not ever". 

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