FORGET ITALEXIT! Italian senator MOCKS Brexit and says Italy MUST stay in EU

A PRO-EUROPEAN UNION politician told Italians to think twice before opting out of the European Union - claiming the “consequences of Brexit” should teach Rome remaining in the bloc is the best choice for the country.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Market expert: Italy could have a potential 'Italexit' referendum

Emma Bonino, member of the Italian senate and founder of liberal political party +Europa (+Europe), lashed out at supporters of Italexit, who want Italy to leave the European Union.

In a Facebook post, she argued Italy’s “irresponsible” populist government is boosting a eurosceptic sentiment to gain short-lived political consensus.

However, the consequences faced by the UK after the EU referendum should teach Italians it’s not possible to thrive outside of the .

Mrs Bonino said: "It would be appropriate for those in favour of Italexit to reflect on the consequences of

“As the Eurobarometer confirms, in the United Kingdom there is a growing desire to go back because all the bright promises linked to the exit from the EU have been infringed by a much more complicated reality even for an economically more prosperous country than Italy.

“Anti-Europeanism is short-lived. Lies can become very popular, but - concludes Bonino - they cannot become true and therefore cannot be useful for rediscovering the path of growth and economic and civil progress“.

Mrs Bonino, who has been the European Commissioner for Health and Consumer Protection in the 1990s, referred to the latest results of the Eurobarometer, a yearly opinion poll funded by the EU to check the approval rating over the bloc.

In the latest one, which surveyed people over the spring, Italians looked starkly detached from Brussels, but the majority of them didn’t want to leave the eurozone. 

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Pro-EU senator Emma Bonino lashed out at Italexit supporters (Image: GETTY)

Mrs Bonino attacked the Lega-Five Star Movement coalition, arguing it’s hitting Italians with a “toxic” anti-EU propaganda calling for policies that put “Italy first” rather than the wider interests of the EU.

She said: "It is not surprising at all that Italians are today the most likely Europeans to leave the EU.

“The obvious contradiction between the desire to leave the EU and that of remaining in the eurozone is not surprising either.

“This is the result of the irresponsible attitude of the political and governmental forces that in recent decades have blamed the EU for the most unpopular decisions due, instead, to the deterioration of our public accounts and short-sighted and demagogic choices, aimed at gathering a short-lived consensus.

"This is the approach of this government. The EU has been the great alibi for everyone and has therefore become the great culprit. 

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Emma Bonino has been the European Commissioner for Health and Consumer Protection in the 1990s (Image: GETTY)

Jean Claude Juncker

Jean Claude Juncker warned the Italian government the Commission 'won't be flexible' with Italy (Image: GETTY)

“It is a clamorous historical fake. But Italians are not 'wrong'.

“The propaganda with which they were bombed and persuaded is wrong and toxic.”

The Italian government is currently facing the rage of Brussels after it released a deficit target higher than the limit set by the EU to carry out hefty reforms, including severe tax cuts and the basic income.

In a letter the European Commission told Italy this defiant act was “without precedents in the history of the stability pact.”

Jean Claude Juncker, the Commission’s president, added Brussels “won’t be flexible in front of the demands of Italy”.

(Additional reporting by Maria Ortega)   

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