Italy on brink: EU could be DEAL BREAKER for new leaders

THE European Union could be a deal breaker for Italy's populist parties as Lega and the Five Star Movement clash over how to deal with the bloc with coalition talks on the brink.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Matteo Salvini tells EU not to get involved in Italian affairs

Italy's populist parties have clashed over the stance the new government will take on the EU as a senior Lega MP branded the Five Star Movement “passive” in their attempt to change the bloc.

Lega leader Matteo Salvini and Five Star’s Luigi Di Maio are holding coalition talks in a bid to create an all-populist government more than two months after the election.

The fiercely anti-EU party Lega will not be satisfied over the approach taken by Mr Di Maio’s movement on the EU, a problem that could become a deal-breaker, according to officials close to the negotiations.

After a weekend of talks with Mr Di Maio and following a meeting with Italian President Sergio Mattarella on Monday, Mr Salvini said: “Italy’s new position on Europe is a delicate argument — and either there is agreement there or there will be none.” 

Italy’s new position on Europe is a delicate argument

Matteo Salvini

Suggesting he wanted a “free hand” to tackle immigration and more freedom to spend money even if it would mean defy the EU’s budget rules, he added: “Either I can give life to a government that can review these external constraints, or it is a fairytale, I do not want to take anyone for a ride.”

His words were backed up by Guglielmo Picchi, an MP and senior policy adviser for Lega.

He said: “We are still negotiating and it is still possible we have a deal but there is a lot of confusion over Europe — this is a risk.”

Despite the two parties share a similar position on how to tackle the EU and its policies on paper, Mr Picchi feels like the role Five Star wants to play in changing the EU is “passive”. 

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Five Star's leader Luigi Di Maio and Lega's leader Matteo Salvini may be at odds on the EU

He said: “We want to play a very active role to change Europe.

“Five Star are more passive.

“It is like they are part of the Franco-German axis.

“We are prepared for talks on issues like the EU budget that will constrain this Government and the next — they say ‘Let’s see what happens’.” 

Luigi Di Maio: Now's good time to work on revision of EU parameters

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Matteo Salvini said he wanted a 'free hand' to tackle immigration

Both Mr Salvini and Mr Di Maio have warned the EU's budgetary austerity is “suffocating” Italy and have spoken out against the bloc's sanctions issued against Russia following the annexation of Crimea and branded unfair for the country the EU’s migration rules.

And in a document leaked on Tuesday, they both seemed to agree on radical policies including a rediscussion of Italy’s contribution into the EU budget and a potential Italexit should the Union not be available to hold negotiations over Italy’s concerns.

But the two parties may disagree on how to put their policies into action, with Five Star looking less ready than Lega to an open war.

Mr Di Maio previously said his first trip abroad after the creation of the government will be to Brussels, as he believes “in dialogue and participation.” 

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Mr Di Maio warned the EU he wants to discuss its monetary and immigration policies

Five Star officials minimised the dispute, saying the parties’ positions aren’t “so different.”

Carla Ruocco, a Five Star lawmaker, added: “We want balance and the wellbeing of the country within the European framework, we’ve always said this.

“Europe needs to be respected, and Italy needs to be respected.”

President Mattarella has given the two parties until next Monday to strike a full agreement and present him the name of a prime minister to put an end to the political deadlock started on March 4

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