Historian reveals key reason why Joe Biden is the 'worst President in US history'

Despite passing a lot of legislation compared to former leaders, Joe Biden has been labelled as the worst due to a number of key factors.

G7 Leaders Summit - Day One

Joe Biden has been President of the US since 2021 (Image: Getty)

Leading American historian Christopher Caldwell has described Joe Biden as "probably" one of the "worst presidents in US history".

According to Caldwell, this is due to the key reason that "the country is going through a period now where it's very hard to really get things done and win the confidence of the American people".

Caldwell noted that, despite these challenges, Biden has been highly energetic and has passed a considerable amount of legislation.

“With the partial exception of Barack Obama, the last four presidents have got very little done,” Caldwell told GB news. “Biden has been very energetic. He's passed a lot of legislation.”

The historian pointed out Biden's accomplishments, including passing an additional stimulus bill post-COVID-19 and gaining support from various Democratic interest groups. Biden managed to hold these groups together for two years, resulting in significant social spending and economic stimulus, particularly in green energy.


Biden is currently running for re-election (Image: Getty)

However, Caldwell warned that “we have been totally reckless about our deficits and our debt, which now stands at $34 trillion (£26.6 trillion).”

He also highlighted the risks associated with the current economic policies, emphasizing the end of an era of low interest rates, which previously made debt less concerning.

“This shows signs of maybe getting out of control,” he said. “And should it come to threaten the reserve currency, which is the privileged institution on which a lot of America's wealth rests, then Biden could be remembered as a very bad president indeed.”

The historian's comments come after a recent incident where Biden appeared to freeze during a Juneteenth event, sparking concerns about his cognitive health. Jennifer Ewing, a spokesperson for Republicans Overseas UK, described the incident as “very sad” and indicative of cognitive decline.

Caldwell compared Biden's situation to that of Woodrow Wilson, who suffered a stroke during his presidency, leading to his administration being run by his aide and wife.

Biden's re-election campaign has also faced challenges following the conviction of his son, Hunter, on charges related to lying about drug use on a gun license application.

In response to the conviction, Biden expressed pride in his son’s recovery from addiction, stating: “Jill and I love our son, and we are so proud of the man he is today.”

Meanwhile, a spokesperson for the Trump campaign accused the Biden family of corruption, claiming that the trial of Hunter Biden was a distraction from the “real crimes” of the Biden family.

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