Putin snatched US journalist in 'act of state terror' due to Biden’s 'failure' to act

EXCLUSIVE: Russia's abduction of a Wall Street Journal reporter can be attributed in part to President Joe Biden's "failure to respond" to Vladimir Putin's provocations, former US National Security Advisor John Bolton told Express.co.uk.

By Matthew Dooley, Assistant News Editor

John Bolton says Putin has his own logic and it is different to ours

has been slammed over his "totally inadequate" response to aggression which may have emboldened Vladimir Putin to abduct a Wall Street Journal reporter last month. Former US national security advisor John Bolton offered a withering criticism of the Biden Administration's response to "bullying" against the and urged members to "expel" all Russian Ambassadors from their countries in response to the arrest.

Last month, Russia arrested Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich on accusations of espionage. The reporter was later formally charged by Russia amid calls for the Biden Administration to do more to secure his release.

"I think the United States should expel Russia's ambassador. And I think we should also ask our fellow NATO members to expel those Russian ambassadors until the hostage is released," Bolton told Express.co.uk.

The former US Ambassador to the UN continued: "This is a case not just of an American reporter who has been seized, it could have been a reporter from any NATO member.

"To allow the Russians to get away with this sends a terrible signal to Moscow and it sends a terrible signal to Beijing too."

The hawkish foreign policy expert placed some of the blame on the Biden Administration, suggesting it had not done enough to deter Russian "bullying".

Bolton cited the "totally inadequate" US response to the downing of an MQ-9 Reaper Drone over the Black Sea by Russian fighter jets as an example of the White House failing to check Russian aggression.

Vladimir Putin and the destroyed city of Mariupol.

Joe Biden has failed to stand up to Russia's 'bullying', according to John Bolton. (Image: GETTY)

Evan Gershkovich in Russia.

Evan Gershkovich was arrested on spying charges last month by Russian authorities. (Image: Instagram/Evan Gershkovich)

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Vladimir Putin expected Kyiv to fall within a matter of days, yet the war is now a year old. Aside from fierce resistance by the Ukrainians, unprecedented amounts of military equipment and other assistance from Western allies have been crucial.

"I think the United States should have responded forcefully, because that is something that would be justified in this case. I think the failure to respond is, at least in part, an explanation for why Moscow has seized a Wall Street Journal reporter and taken him hostage," said.

He added: "I think now they're upping the ante and I think this was really an act of state terror by the by the Kremlin.

"It shows if you don't deal with provocations and bullying at an early stage, when it's easier to deal with, you're going to get more developments that just make it that much harder and that much more dangerous."

The Wall Street Journal has said the charges against Gershkovich are "categorically false and unjustified" and demanded their reporter's immediate release.

It follows a string of US citizens imprisoned in Russia including former US Marine Paul Whelan, currently serving a 16-year sentence for spying charges, and WNBA player Brittney Griner who was released in December of last year.

In order to facilitate her release, the Biden Administration traded Russia an international arms smuggler Viktor Bout, nicknamed the Merchant of Death. Bolton has criticised the swap telling Express.co.uk it was "not the kind of trade we should make".

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A Russian fighter jet seen from a US drone.

The US response to the downing of one of its drones over the Black Sea was 'totally inadequate'. (Image: GETTY)

John Bolton.

John Bolton said doing nothing sends a 'terrible signal' to Moscow. (Image: GETTY)

"I think the Biden administration, as the Brittney Griner hostage exchange demonstrates, is prepared to give away too much. They got Brittney Griner back, but in exchange for Victor Bout, an international arms traffickers - you have a basketball player for an international gun runner," he said.

He continued: "The Russians are accusing this reporter from the Wall Street Journal of espionage. That's obviously complete nonsense.

"But certainly they're angling to trade something and I'm afraid the Biden administration may do that. That will simply up the bidding for the next hostage Russia or somebody else takes. It's a bad business, a bad road to go down."

On April 10, the US State Department made the determination that Gershkovich had been "wrongfully detained" by Russia and condemned the Kremlin's "continued repression of independent voices in Russia, and its ongoing war against the truth".

The designation unlocks more resources from the US Government and is diplomatic speak which indicates Gershkovich's detention is considered political.

A joint statement released by Emma Tucker, the editor in chief of the Wall Street Journal, and Almar Latour, the CEO of the paper's publisher Dow Jones, called his arrest an "attack on the free press".

Joe Biden.

The Biden Administration has determined Gershkovich is 'wrongly detained'. (Image: GETTY)

It read: "We are doing everything in our power to support Evan and his family and will continue working with the State Department and other relevant US officials to push for his release.

"He is a distinguished journalist and his arrest is an attack on a free press and it should spur outrage in all free people and governments around the world."

Gershkovich covers Russia and Ukraine as a correspondent in the newspaper's Moscow bureau. The FSB noted that he had accreditation from the Russian Foreign Ministry to work as a journalist. If convicted, Gershkovich faces up to 20 years imprisonment.

His arrest was the latest in a string of provocations by Moscow as relations between Washington and the Kremlin have deteriorated to lows not seen since the Cold War.

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