New IRA plotting major bomb terror attack to upstage Biden's visit to Northern Ireland

The New IRA is reportedly planning a terror attack to overshadow US President Joe Biden's visit to Northern Ireland this week, according to local reports.

By Matthew Dooley, Assistant News Editor

Northern Ireland: Jim Shannon reacts to police officer being shot

A terrorist plot has been uncovered by police in as a dissident republican group attempts to overshadow US president Joe Biden's visit marking the 25th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement. Officials recently raised the to "severe" as the Republic of Ireland and the UK prepare to celebrate the agreement which ended decades of sectarian violence.

Although the IRA agreed to the Good Friday Agreement, dissident splinter groups continue to oppose it and have stepped up activity in recent weeks.

This reportedly led the Police Service of Northern Ireland to conduct searches in the city of Londonderry, a hotspot for violence during the height of The Troubles.

An insider told the Belfast Telegraph that the Army Bomb squad was in the city looking for bomb parts last weekend.

"They were looking for parts to make a bomb," said the unnamed source. "The belief is that the New IRA was planning some sort of attack to coincide with Biden's visit, similar to the mortar attack on the cops in Strabane last November."

Joe Biden.

Joe Biden is set to visit Northern Ireland on Tuesday. (Image: GETTY)

Rishi Sunak makes Northern Ireland peace pledge as Biden poised to jet in

Rishi Sunak pledged to revive the stalled Northern Ireland peace process as he prepares to greet US President Joe Biden in Belfast. The pair are due to mark the 25th anniversary of the Belfast Agreement – also known as the Good Friday Agreement – which brought an end to the conflict.

Read more HERE.

The New IRA formed around a decade ago as a merger of other dissident republican groups which rejected the Good Friday Agreement and are committed to a united Ireland.

Although most paramilitary groups laid down their arms and joined a power-sharing political system, a small minority vowed to continue to wage war.

Biden will arrive in Northern Ireland on Tuesday amid the largest police operation in the country in decades aimed at protecting the US president. Some officers will reportedly be on gruelling 12-hour shifts during the US President's visit.

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A mural depicting paramilitary fighters.

Most paramilitary groups laid down their arms following the Good Friday Agreement. (Image: GETTY)

Joe Biden and Ireland's Prime Minister.

Joe Biden met with the Irish Taoiseach in Washington last month. (Image: GETTY)

It is believed he will take part in events planned for Wednesday before heading across the border to visit the Republic of Ireland.

Biden's arrival follows another historical flashpoint, Easter Monday when republicans mark the 1916 Easter Uprising against British rule.

Last week, PSNI Assistant Chief Constable Bobby Singleton warned the force had received "strong" intelligence that dissident republican groups would launch attacks on police on the bank holiday.

In addition, MI5 raised its terrorism threat level to "severe" meaning an attack was highly likely.

IRA fighters train in 1986.

Most paramilitary groups laid down their arms following the Good Friday Agreement. (Image: GETTY)

The news comes after a February 22 gun attack in County Tyrone left senior detective John Caldwell with life-changing injuries. Police have blamed the New IRA for the attack.

Biden is set to follow his Belfast visit with a trip to County Louth where his ancestors set sail from to America in the 1800s. The president will then travel on to the capital Dublin to deliver a speech before the Irish Parliament.

He will then visit distant cousins in County Mayo where he will deliver a major speech to a crowd of around 20,000.

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