Fifth US state adopts execution by firing squad as lethal injection supplies run low

Although federal executions have been put on hold since 2021, individual states can still carry out the death penalty. Amid a shortage of lethal injection drugs, some states are looking for other ways to execute death row inmates.

By Matthew Dooley, Assistant News Editor

The chamber where the last execution by firing squad took place in the US.

The chamber where the last execution by firing squad took place in the US. (Image: AP)

Death by firing squad will now be an option for executioners after a bill was passed allowing the state to turn to the older method of execution. Republican Governor Brad Little signed a bill allowing execution by firing squad, amid a nationwide shortage of lethal-injection drugs.

The state joins Mississippi, Utah, Oklahoma and South Carolina in allowing firing squads if other execution methods are unavailable, according to the Death Penalty Information Centre. South Carolina’s law is on hold pending the outcome of a legal challenge.

The Legislature passed the measure March 20 with a veto-proof majority. Under it, firing squads will be used only if the state cannot obtain the drugs needed for lethal injections.

Pharmaceutical companies increasingly have barred executioners from using their drugs, saying they were meant to save lives. One Idaho death row inmate has already had his execution postponed repeatedly because of drug scarcity.

The shortage has prompted other states in recent years to revive older methods of execution. Some states began refurbishing electric chairs as standbys for when lethal drugs are unavailable. Others have considered - and, at times, used - largely untested execution methods.

In 2018, Nevada executed Carey Dean Moore with a never-before-tried drug combination that included the powerful synthetic opioid fentanyl. Alabama has built a system for executing people using nitrogen gas to induce hypoxia, but it has not yet been used.

The Idaho State Legislature.

The Idaho State Legislature passed the bill with a veto-proof majority. (Image: GETTY)

A lethal injection table.

The bill was passed amid a shortage of lethal injection drugs. (Image: GETTY)

During a historic round of 13 executions in the final months of Donald Trump’s presidency, the federal government opted for the sedative pentobarbital as a replacement for lethal drugs used in the 2000s. It issued a protocol allowing firing squads for federal executions if necessary, but that method was not used.

Some lawyers for federal inmates who were eventually put to death argued in court that firing squads actually would be quicker and less painful than pentobarbital, which they said causes a sensation akin to drowning.

However, in a 2019 filing, US lawyers cited an expert as saying someone shot by firing squad can remain conscious for 10 seconds and that it would be "severely painful, especially related to shattering of bone and damage to the spinal cord."

President Joe Biden’s attorney general, Merrick Garland, ordered a temporary pause on federal executions in 2021 while the Justice Department reviewed protocols. Garland did not say how long the moratorium will last.

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What happens during an execution by firing squad?

The last execution by firing squad in the US took place at Utah State Prison on June 18, 2010 when Ronnie Lee Gardner was executed for killing an attorney during a courthouse escape attempt.

Gardner sat in a chair, sandbags around him and a target pinned over his heart. Five prison staffers drawn from a pool of volunteers fired from 25 feet (about 8 metres) away with .30-caliber rifles. Gardner was pronounced dead two minutes later.

A blank cartridge was loaded into one rifle without anyone knowing which. That's partly done to enable those bothered later by their participation to believe they may not have fired a fatal bullet.

That idea is based on expectations that bullets will strike the heart, rupturing it and causing immediate unconsciousness as the inmate quickly bleeds to death. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor is among those who say firing squads are a more humane method of execution.

She argued that lethal injection drugs can mask intense pain by paralyzing inmates while they are still sentient and called that method a "cruel experiment".

However, in a 2019 federal case, prosecutors submitted statements from anaesthesiologist Joseph Antognini, who said painless deaths by firing squads are not guaranteed.

Inmates could remain conscious for up to 10 seconds after being shot depending on where bullets strike, Antognini said, and those seconds could be "severely painful, especially related to shattering of bone and damage to the spinal cord."

Others note that killings by firing squad are visibly violent and bloody compared with lethal injections, potentially traumatizing victims' relatives and other witnesses as well as executioners and staffers who clean up afterward.

Idaho Senator Doug Ricks, a Republican who co-sponsored that state’s firing squad bill, told his fellow senators on March 20 that the state’s difficulty in finding lethal injection drugs could continue "indefinitely," that he believes death by firing squad is "humane," and that the bill would help ensure the rule of law is carried out.

But Senator Dan Foreman, also a Republican, called firing-squad executions "beneath the dignity of the state of Idaho." They would traumatize the executioners, the witnesses and the people who clean up afterward, he said.

The bill originated with Republican Representative Bruce Skaug, prompted in part by the state’s inability to execute Gerald Pizzuto Jr. late last year. Pizzuto, who now has terminal cancer and other debilitating illnesses, has spent more than three decades on death row for his role in the 1985 slayings of two gold prospectors.

The Idaho Department of Correction estimates it will cost around $750,000 to build or retrofit a death chamber for firing squad executions.

Journalists examine a firing squad chair.

Journalists examine a firing squad chair. (Image: GETTY)

Agency Director Jeff Tewalt has said he would be reluctant to ask his staffers to participate in a firing squad.

Both Tewalt and his former co-worker Kevin Kempf played a key role in obtaining the drugs used in the 2012 execution of Richard Albert Leavitt, flying to Tacoma, Washington, with more than $15,000 in cash to buy them from a pharmacist.

The trip was kept secret by the department but revealed in court documents after University of Idaho professor Aliza Cover sued for the information under a public records act.

Biden pledged during his campaign to work at ending the death penalty nationwide, but he has remained silent on the issue as president. Critics say his hands-off approach risked sending a message that he’s OK with states adopting alternative execution methods.

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