Millionaire makes 'creepy' £82k offer to woman sitting next to him on plane

Millionaire Steve Kirsch - who has been accused of spreading Covid misinformation - boasted about an offer he made to the woman sitting next to him in first class.

By Matthew Dooley, Assistant News Editor

Steve Kirsch.

Steve Kirsch made a 'creepy' offer to a woman in first class. (Image: @stkirsch/Twitter)

A tech millionaire has been called "creepy" after he made a strange offer to a woman set next to him on a plane. Silicon Valley millionaire Steve Kirsch, who was accused of spreading Covid misinformation during the pandemic, claimed to be shocked after the woman refused his offer.

Kirsch said he offered the woman £82,000 ($100,000) to remove her mask for the duration of the flight, but she refused.

Describing the offer on Twitter, he said: "I am on board a Delta flight right now. The person sitting next to me in first class refused $100,000 to remove her mask for the entire flight. No joke. This was after I explained they don’t work."

"And I pointed out that when she removed the mask for eating and drinking, she could be infected with one breath. So she had full disclosure," he said, adding that he began with an offer of $100.

Kirsch continued: "She took off her mask as soon as the breakfast was served. Because everyone knows you can’t get infected while you are eating."

He then bizarrely compared the woman to someone who had invested in Silicon Valley Bank, saying: "Maybe next time I’ll sit next to someone who had an account at Silicon Valley Bank."

Twitter users slammed his antics branding them "creepy" while asking the millionaire how the woman could have possibly known he would pay up.

"Did you have the £82,000 ($100,000) in cash? If not, you sound like a lunatic. How could they trust you’d pay up?" one user wrote.

Another said: "They probably didn’t think you had even £4 ($5)."

This apparently isn't the first time Kirsch attempted to pay someone inflight to remove their mask.

Three days earlier, he tweeted: "I asked the people sitting next to me on the plane if I paid them $10,000 would they remove their mask for the duration of the flight? Both declined the offer. Maybe I should offer $100,000 next time?"

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A plane.

Kirsch said he previously offered other passengers on a different flight $10K to remove their masks. (Image: GETTY)

This attempt was also criticised with one user writing: "Women don’t want to make deals with creepy men on planes. It’s not complicated."

Another added: "Do you make a habit of offering money to random women to remove coverings from their bodies mid-air?"

One pointed out that their medical bills from catching Covid could cost more than the eight grand Kirsch was originally offering.

They said: "My hospital bills after admission for Covid came to over £248,000 ($300,000) (including the £66,000 ($80,000) air ambulance because local hospitals were all full), plus loss of clients/income, lung damage, ongoing disability, recovery/support expenses, etc - I’d need a minimum of £4.1 million ($5 million) cash in hand.

"I wore a mask on the plane and still got Covid. I already have long Covid. My physical therapy bills laugh at your measly £8,200 ($10,000)."

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