'My husband won't pay our hospital bill because he thinks an epidural is a luxury'

A new mother took to the internet after her husband refused to pay half of her hospital bill because she had a "luxury" epidural.

By Matthew Dooley, Assistant News Editor

A new-born baby and mother (stock image).

A new mum asked if she was in the wrong to insist her husband pay half of the bill. (Image: GETTY)

The after one new mother asked a popular forum whether she was in the wrong when her husband refused to pay half of her medical bills for the birth of their child. The couple both work and since the start of their marriage seven years ago have kept their finances separate and split the bills 50/50.

However, when she asked for her husband's share of the $8,000 medical bill, he refused to cough up the cash because she had a "luxury" epidural due to a long labour.

The new mum took to Reddit's popular Am I the A****** subreddit to ask users if she was in the wrong.

"Throughout the duration of my pregnancy, I planned to go for an unmedicated natural birth with as little intervention as possible. That was up until I hit the 24 hour mark of labour, I caved and got an epidural," the Redditor explained.

She said that she was "open" to having an epidural - which is used to relieve pain in part of the body - as was her husband who she said even "encouraged" the procedure.

However, when she asked him to split their $8,000 hospital bill after insurance, he wasn't so supportive.

A pregnant woman holding a pillow (stock photo).

The mum got an epidural after 24 hours of labour. (Image: GETTY)

She said: "When the bill came he brought it to me to pay all $8,000+ from my personal savings, I asked why.

"He said: 'You're the one that couldn't hold out for a few more hours and jacked up the bill with all your meds and an extra night's stay'. He shouldn't have to pay for all of my extra requests. If I wanted luxury, I should expect to pay for it."

She said she was "stunned" and "flipped out" over her husband's comments, however he "refuses to budge" calling her a "princess". Still, she eventually "caved" and paid for the whole bill.

Many commenters rushed to the original poster's defence, stating she was clearly not the a****** in this situation.

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A person receiving an epidural (stock photo).

An epidural is used to relieve pain in part of the body. (Image: GETTY)

"For having pain he would never be able to tolerate? The epidural lets you rest so you can get through the pushing stage, which can last hours. Since he’s not paying for the consequence of having sex with you, sounds like sex is a luxury he can’t afford," one user argued.

Another added: "She should get him hooked up to one of those contraction simulator machines and see how long he can stand it."

The woman who wrote the original post later listed the "extra add ons" her husband refused to split with her.

She said: "My epidural (I made it 24 hours I surely could’ve lasted 14 more), the lactation consultant (didn’t I read enough books), the nursery fee (it’s our baby so he should stay in the room with us no matter how sleep deprived we are), an extra nights stay (suggested by the nurse to help me recover from the zero sleep I had), any food I ate (I should’ve packed snacks because I knew it could be long), my postpartum supplies (should’ve brought my own), and when they tested his blood I requested they also test for the blood condition that runs in my family."

A pregnant woman (stock image).

Many Redditors were outraged that a husband wouldn't pay half of his wife's bill. (Image: GETTY)

Other Redditors urged the woman to file for divorce, saying they hoped she would get more than 50 percent of the couple's assets.

The post has since been deleted but the more than 2,000 comments are still visible, commenting has also been disabled.

The original poster said that although she had paid the entire hospital bill, she felt "disrespected". The marriage has taken a hit and the couple hasn't talked much since the confrontation.

However, since taking to Reddit, the poster said she has realised that she was in the right.

"After listing this out I’m now realising how stupid I was to think I was in the wrong here," she said in a comment.

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