History at a 'turning point' as Putin's message 'loses power' after Biden speech

EXCLUSIVE: The US President called out Vladimir Putin personally 10 times while lauding the West's solidarity both within NATO and with Ukraine.

By Matthew Dooley, Assistant News Editor

Biden slams Putin's invasion of Ukraine in historic Poland speech

's fiery speech this evening in has been described as "a turning point in history". The President vowed to stand with allies and Kyiv while he slammed Russian "atrocities" committed during Putin's bloody, year-long invasion of .

Biden gave the impassioned speech to an audience of hundreds waving Ukrainian, American and Polish flags.

Mykola Volkivskyi, a former advisor to Ukraine's Parliament, was in the crowd and noted the speech, as well as Biden's visit to the embattled capital a day prior, showed Putin's message is wearing thin.

"We are at a turning point in history. Against the backdrop of the first visit to Ukraine in the last 15 years by a US President and Biden's historic speech in Warsaw, Putin's message to the [Russian] federal assembly is losing its power," he told Express.co.uk.

"The world and Ukraine have made their choice between freedom and bondage, between tyranny and democracy."

Volkivskyi, who is now the President of the First International Ukrainian Foundation of Development, added: "Ukraine will remain independent and free, despite all the bombs and missiles."

Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin.

Biden called out Putin 10 times in a fiery speech on Ukraine. (Image: GETTY)

Hundreds gathered waving Ukrainian, American and Polish flags.

Hundreds gathered waving Ukrainian, American and Polish flags. (Image: Mykola Volkivskyi)

Biden's speech came as a rallying cry for NATO and Kyiv. Ukraine's citizens have endured near constant hardships as Russia continues to attack civilians and infrastructure.

"One year ago, the world was bracing for the fall of Kyiv. Well, I’ve just come from a visit to Kyiv and I can report Kyiv stands strong. Kyiv stands proud, it stands tall and most important, it stands free," Biden said to a cheering crowd.

The speech flew in the face of Putin, who gave his own state of the nation address to Russia today in which he blamed the West for starting the war in Ukraine.

"I would like to repeat, they started the war and we used force in order to stop it," Putin said.

Biden's Warsaw speech was scheduled, however an impromptu trip to Kyiv yesterday was not made public until the last minute. Planning for the event had likely been ongoing for weeks or even months.

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Joe Biden.

Biden, who visited Kyiv yesterday, spoke in solidarity with NATO and Ukraine. (Image: Mykola Volkivskyi)

Vladimir Putin.

Putin gave his own state of the nation address in Russia today. (Image: GETTY)

The 80-year-old President and his Ukrainian counterpart, the comedian-turned-wartime President Volodymyr Zelensky, toured the capital together while air raid sirens rang out.

US officials said Washington informed Moscow of the trip just hours before Biden steamed from Warsaw to Kyiv on a secret 10-hour train journey.

"Biden's team contacted their counterparts in Russia so it didn't come as a surprise to them. They would have also ensured nothing happens to the President by the hands of rogue Russian forces," Kervin Aucoin, a 15-year military veteran and owner of the private intelligence company Aucoin Analytics told Express.co.uk.

"Security was ramped up and as we all saw the trip was kept very brief."

He said the visit was most likely planned in a way to "counter" the voices of some US politicians who have been calling for US aid to Ukraine to be scaled back or even ended, something which Putin would likely play to.

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A person in the crowd holding a sign asking Biden to give Ukraine F-16 fighter jets.

Ukraine has been urging its allies to provide high tech systems, including Western fighter jets. (Image: Mykola Volkivskyi)

The host of the This Week Explained podcast added: "Putin is definitely seeing those calls for an end to aid and will continue to promote that to his people that some officials in the US actually do not support Ukraine."

The visit was a message that the "US will not back down from sending Ukraine military equipment" and, similarly, an attempt to rally NATO countries which are "are getting disillusioned by the constant ask for military and financial support", Mr Aucoin says.

Biden's speech made it clear to Putin that the Russian President has made a serious mistake in deciding to launch a full-scale invasion of Ukraine nearly one year ago.

"President Putin’s craven lust for land and power will fail," Biden said. The remark was just one of 10 times the US President called out Vladimir Putin - directly during his Warsaw address.

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