Kevin McCarthy faces humiliation of losing first Speaker's vote in 100 years

Kevin McCarthy is grappling with his own party ahead of a vote later today to determine whether he will replace Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House. However, he's set to lose on the initial ballot - something which hasn't happened in 100 years.

By Matthew Dooley, World News Editor

Matt Gaetz leaves after meeting with Kevin McCarthy

Kevin McCarthy is staring down the barrel of a humiliation not felt in politics for 100 years. Since 1923 no nominee for Speaker of the House has lost on the first ballot, but McCarthy is set to do just that. In an election that is usually largely ceremonial, he just "doesn't have the votes", according to a fellow lawmaker. 

House Republicans will huddle behind closed doors early in the morning, ahead of the floor action, as newly elected lawmakers arrive for what’s traditionally a celebratory day. Families in tow, the members of the new Congress prepare to be sworn into the House and Senate for the start of the two-year legislative session.

McCarthy is in line to replace Speaker Nancy Pelosi, but he heads into the vote with no guarantee of success. The California Republican faces entrenched detractors within his own ranks. Despite attempts to win them over - even with an endorsement from former President Donald Trump - McCarthy has fallen short.

The noontime showdown could very well devolve into a prolonged House floor fight, a spectacle that divides the Republican Party, weakens its leadership and consumes the first days of the new Congress.

"Kevin McCarthy doesn’t have the 218 votes to be speaker," Republican Representative Scott Perry of Pennsylvania, the chairman of the Freedom Caucus and a leader in Trump's efforts to challenge the 2020 election, said. “Unless something dramatically changes, that’s where we’re going to be."

Typically it takes a majority of the House's 435 members, 218 votes, to become the speaker. With just a slim 222-seat majority, McCarthy can afford only a handful of dissenters. A speaker can win with fewer than 218 votes, as Pelosi and Boehner did, if some lawmakers are absent or simply vote present.

But McCarthy has failed to win over a core - and potentially growing - group of right-flank Republicans led by the conservative Freedom Caucus, despite weeks of closed-door meetings and promised changes to the House rules. Nearly a dozen Republicans have publicly raised concerns about McCarthy.

Yesterday, members of the Republican House caucus Matt Gaetz and Lauren Boebert met with McCarthy behind closed doors, however not much appears to have come from the meeting.

Kevin McCarthy.

Kevin McCarthy is facing a humiliating defeat in his bid to become Speaker. (Image: GETTY)

Matt Gaetz Lauren Boebert.

Matt Gaetz said he would not vote for McCarthy, he was accompanied by Lauren Boebert. (Image: GETTY)

Gaetz told reporters they had a "brief and productive meeting". When asked how productive he said: "Insofar as it was brief."

When pressed if Gaetz would support McCarthy's increasingly desperate bid to become speaker he answered plainly: "I'm a no."

Yet the prospect of holdouts causing havoc on day one has launched a counter-offensive from Republicans who are frustrated that the detractors threaten the workings of the new Congress.

A sizable but less vocal group of McCarthy supporters started its own campaign, "Only Kevin," as a way to shut down the opposition and pledge their support only to him.

A viable challenger to McCarthy had yet to emerge. Representative Andy Biggs of Arizona, a former leader of the Freedom Caucus, was running against McCarthy as a conservative option, but was not expected to pull a majority. McCarthy defeated him in the November nominating contest, 188-31.

The second-ranking House Republican, Representative Steve Scalise of Louisiana, would be an obvious next choice, a conservative widely liked by his colleagues and seen by some as a hero after surviving a brutal mass shooting during a congressional baseball game practice in 2017.

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Donald Trump

Kevin McCarthy has even received Donald Trump's endorsement. (Image: GETTY)

Once rivals, McCarthy and Scalise have become a team. Scalise’s office rejected as "false" a suggestion on Monday by another Republican that Scalise was making calls about the speaker’s race.

McCarthy vowed to fight to the finish, going multiple rounds of painstaking floor votes - a sight unseen in Congress since the disputed speaker’s race of 1923.

"It would be nice if we can be ready to go on January 3," said Representative Jim Jordan of Ohio, who is set to become chairman of the House Judiciary Committee. "But you know, if it doesn’t happen on the first ballot, that’s when that just pushes things back."

Without a speaker, the House cannot fully form - naming its committee chairmen, engaging in floor proceedings and launching the investigations of the Biden administration that are expected to be core to the Republicans' agenda.

The upheaval in the House on the first day of the new session could be in stark contrast to the other side of the Capitol, where Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell will officially become the chamber's longest-serving party leader in history.

Despite being in the minority in the Senate, where Democrats hold a slim 51-49 majority, McConnell could prove to be a viable partner as Biden seeks bipartisan victories in the new era of divided government.

The two men were expected to appear together later in the week in the GOP leader's home state of Kentucky to celebrate federal infrastructure investment in a vital bridge that connects Kentucky and Ohio.

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The Freedom Caucus.

The Freedom Caucus of farther right Republicans has not endorsed Kevin McCarthy. (Image: GETTY)

McCarthy’s candidacy for speaker should have been an almost sure thing. Affable and approachable, he led his party into the majority, having raised millions of campaign dollars and travelled the country to recruit many of the newer lawmakers to run for office.

Yet McCarthy has been here before, abruptly dropping out of the speaker’s race in 2015 when it was clear he did not have support from conservatives to replace Boehner.

One core ask from the holdouts this time is that McCarthy reinstate a rule that allows any single lawmaker to make a "motion to vacate the chair" - in short, to call a vote to remove the speaker from office.

Pelosi eliminated the rule after conservatives used it to threaten Boehner's ouster, but McCarthy agreed to add it back in - but at a higher threshold, requiring at least five lawmakers to sign on to the motion.

"I will work with everyone in our party to build conservative consensus," McCarthy wrote in a weekend letter to colleagues.

As McCarthy convened a New Year’s Day conference call with Republican lawmakers to unveil the new House rules package, that the changes do not go far enough.

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