Kevin McCarthy bid for Speaker under pressure as House Republicans warn of 'failures'

Former Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy is looking to regain the title, but with a slim Republican House majority among a divided party, the outcome is far from certain.

By Matthew Dooley, Assistant News Editor

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Kevin McCarthy may be battling his own party for one of the nation's top jobs as the House votes on a new Speaker for the next session of Congress. Although no serious contender has yet appeared to challenge him, a group of nine lawmakers who have not said how they will vote launched a stinging letter blasting previous "Republican failures" under his leadership.

With a majority of only 222-213, if McCarthy loses more than four votes he will not have enough to become Speaker. Last week he was missing five votes - but after the scathing letter he may have as many as 14 dissenters in his party.

McCarthy has already made concessions during his bid, including promising to change the rules so that only five members of his own party are needed to call a vote of no-confidence and potentially oust him as Speaker. However, for his detractors, these concessions may not have been enough.

"For someone with a 14-year presence in senior House Republican leadership, Mr McCarthy bears squarely the burden to correct the dysfunction he now explicitly admits across that long tenure," the letter signed by nine GOP lawmakers read.

It added: "At this state, it cannot be a surprise that expressions of vague hopes reflected in far too many of the crucial points still under debate are insufficient. This is especially true with respect to Mr McCarthy's candidacy for speaker because the times call for radical departure from the status quo – not a continuation of past and ongoing, Republican failures."

Republicans hoped to enter 2023 with a secure grip on one, if not both, chambers of Congress.

Instead, an underwhelming midterm election yielded only a thin House majority that will expose fierce intraparty divisions this week as California Representative Kevin McCarthy fights for the speakership. And before the end of the month, the Republican National Committee (RNC) must resolve a divisive leadership battle of its own.

A central figure in virtually everything is , the former president who transformed the GOP more than seven years ago and is still fighting to exert his will over Republicans in Congress, the RNC and Republican voters just as the next presidential primary season begins.

However, the former President is facing legal challenges, his candidates did relatively poorly in battleground midterm elections and he seems to have fallen from grace among several leading Republicans.

RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel acknowledged, in an interview, that her party’s greatest political challenge ahead may come from within as party leaders navigate Trump’s outsized role.

"There’s so much at stake we can’t afford to be divided heading into 2024," McDaniel said, promising that the RNC would be neutral in the looming presidential nomination process. "If we are divided, we will lose."

Kevin McCarthy.

Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy is making a run at his old job. (Image: GETTY)

The US House of Representatives.

Republicans control the House, narrowly, however a bitter contest within the GOP is likely to ensue (Image: GETTY)

Democrats are not immune, however, with questions being raised about Joe Biden's potential re-election campaign. Those on the left-wing of the party have been appalled that more working class voters have begun to vote R.

However, for now, at least, appear to be far more united than their Republican counterparts.

Much depends on and whether the 80-year-old president will follow through on his plan to seek re-election. If he forgoes another term - and a formal announcement may be months away - Democrats would be thrust into a murky future with no obvious popular alternatives.

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, who did not rule out another presidential bid of his own, said Democrats are also at a "pivotal moment," facing cracks in their delicate political coalition among young people, African Americans, Latinos and working-class voters.

"It pains me very, very much that we’re seeing more and more working-class people voting Republican," he said in an interview. "Politically, that is a disaster, and Democrats have to recognize that serious problem and address it."

Though many voters may be tired of the never-ending campaign that is US politics, especially after a high-stakes midterm election in 2022, the tense dynamics guarantee the political spotlight will only burn brighter in the new year.

If history is a guide, the opening presidential primary debates are just seven months away. And the debate stage is expected to be crowded - at least on the GOP side. No fewer than 10 high-profile Republicans are actively weighing 2024 presidential bids in open defiance of Trump, emboldened by the growing belief that the former president is as politically vulnerable as he’s ever been.

At the moment, Trump is the only announced candidate in the Republican primary. But a handful of candidates are expected to join by the end of March, while some higher-profile contenders - Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, among them - believe they can wait until late spring or even early summer to make their intentions known.

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Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

Both parties are grappling with their leadership, currently Joe Biden and de facto Donald Trump. (Image: GETTY)

Bernie Sanders.

Bernie Sanders, an independent who votes with Democrats, has not rued out making a run in 2024. (Image: GETTY)

Few believe Trump will be easy to topple in a GOP primary. Already, he has begun to lash out at would-be rivals by name, and he maintains a rock-solid grip among the party’s most active voters, who will dominate GOP primary contests.

Still, voters will have several options in a likely field that features DeSantis, former Vice President Mike Pence, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and outgoing Maryland Governor Larry Hogan, among others. Former National Security Advisor John Bolton also to

Most have already begun actively courting donors and making connections on the ground in early states on the presidential primary calendar.

Before the presidential nomination process begins in earnest, the GOP must first resolve a contentious leadership fight in the House. And by month’s end, the Republican National Committee will decide whether to elect McDaniel to a fourth two-year term.

Much of the energy from Trump’s Make America Great Again movement has rallied behind California attorney Harmeet Dhillon in an increasingly nasty leadership fight that will be decided at the committee’s winter meeting later in the month after three consecutive disappointing election cycles.

Trump and his loyalists will figure prominently in each of the clashes. But prominent establishment Republicans are pushing back much more aggressively.

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Donald Trump rally.

Donald Trump still holds sway over the GOP's most active voters. (Image: GETTY)

Steven Law, a key ally of Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell who leads the Senate GOP’s leading super PAC, vowed to "play a much more assertive role" in shaping future Senate contests.

That’s just as the incoming head of the Senate GOP campaign arm, Senator Steve Daines, Republican Montana, suggests that his committee will actively play in Republican primaries to ensure that candidates who can be more competitive with the broader general election audience advance.

That’s a notable reversal from the committee’s current hands-off practice, which was blamed for elevating candidates who failed to expand their support beyond the base.

On paper, Senate Republicans have major opportunities ahead in red states like West Virginia, Montana and Ohio, where Democrats are up for re-election in 2024. To take full advantage, however, the GOP must avoid the same "candidate quality" issues that plagued the party in the November midterms as a slate of deeply flawed Trump-backed candidates lost key Senate contests in Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, New Hampshire and Pennsylvania.

"Recruitment is going to be job one, starting now,” Law said. "The first step is to do everything we can to get the best possible candidate in the field."

Law was optimistic that Trump would stay out of Senate primary contests in 2024 given the needs of his presidential campaign. McConnell offered a similar sentiment in a recent interview with NBC News.

"We can do a better job with less potential interference," McConnell said of Trump. "The former president may have other things to do."

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