Andrew Neil HUMILIATES Labour MP as he rips apart party's farcical Syria plans

ANDREW NEIL humiliated a Labour MP on Daily Politics after ripping apart his party's pronouncements over the crisis in Aleppo.

Andrew Neil attacks Labour MP over Syria policies

President Bashar al-Assad’s forces have continued shelling besieged districts of the city on Wednesday as Russia struggles to convince the government and militias to abide by a ceasefire agreement.

There are fears of a militia-led massacre inside the battle-scarred city as civilians and opposition fighters struggle to escape.

Andy McDonald, the shadow transport minister, was left looking foolish as Neil tore into statements made by his shadow cabinet colleague Emily Thornberry on Daily Politics over how best to aid those still trapped inside Aleppo.

Beginning his quizzing of Mr McDonald, Neil asked: “She [Thornberry] is calling for the use of unmanned drones – I am not sure what drones are not unmanned…

Andrew Neil Andy McDonaldBBC

Andrew Neil ripped into Andy McDonald over Labour's Syria proposals

“How many of those do we have?”

A clearly bamboozled Mr McDonald admitted: “I don’t know the answer to that question.”

Tory MP Penny Mordaunt, a former MoD minister, added that Britain did not have the “cargo-carrying drones”.

“You might have thought the shadow foreign secretary might of known that,” Neil quipped.

When the Labour MP tried to defend Ms Thornberry, Neil rounded on him once again.

Andrew Neil on BBC Daily PoliticsBBC

The Daily Politics discussion centred on the crisis in Aleppo

I don’t know the answer to that question

Andy McDonald

“But we haven’t got them!” he raged.

When the Middlesbrough MP continued to insist the solution could work if the drones could be secured, a clearly annoyed Neil pointed out the folly of such a plan.

“How could you put a British cargo plane over Aleppo when the Russians and Syrians are surrounding the area with SAM [surface-to-air] missiles?

“Are you going to pilot it?”

“No of course not,” muttered Mr McDonald.

Residents of East Aleppo give final messages to the world

Former Lib Dem leader Paddy Ashdown has warned the West the lives of 50,000 people in hang in the balance.

The former Liberal Democrat leader said the only leverage Western powers still had in Syria was to save 50,000 civilians trapped in the war-torn city.

"Is this the end for Aleppo? Yes it is. But it must not be the end for the 50,000 people who are now trapped in four square miles," Lord Ashdown told BBC Newsnight.

The peer said the .

"It has leverage to do one thing now, and this has got to be the first priority of the entire Western effort, those 50,000 people," he said.

Reports of the deal emerged after the United Nations warned of summary killings by pro-regime forces.

The UN said it had received reliable reports that 82 civilians were killed and many more may have died.

The reports were accompanied by other dispatches of mass killings, reinforcing fears that forces loyal to President Bashar Assad are committing atrocities as they approach victory in the crucial battleground.

The Syrian military said it now held 99% of the former rebel territory and denied reports of summary killings.

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