PMQs: Theresa May SAVAGES Labour over '13 years' of social care NEGLECT

THERESA MAY has savaged the Labour Party accusing them of "13 years" of NEGLECT over social care reform as she went head to head with Jeremy Corbyn during this afternoon's Prime Minister's Question Time.

May slams Labour on social care record

The Prime Minister took aim at Labour councils who chose to go against raising council tax precept saying the issue had been "ducked by Governments for too long". 

When pressured to reform the social care system by beleagured Jeremy Corbyn, Mrs May hit back saying:  "Let’s talk about 13 years of Labour in government. In 1997 they said they would sort it in their manifesto.

"13 years and no action whatsoever."

She added: "We're going to have to come up with a plan for that."

Mrs May also heralded today's unemployment figures, which show Britain's jobless rate hit its lowest level in more than a decade, as the economy continues to power through in the wake of Brexit. 

Theresa May GETTY

It will be the last Prime Minister's Question Time of this year

Jeremy Corbyn BBC

Jeremy Corbyn pushed for social care reform

13 years and no action whatsoever

Theresa May

Meanwhile, Labour MP Peter Dowd laid in to Boris Johnson, accusing him of having “chronic foot in mouth disease”.

He added: “Pencilling FO beside his name should have been an instruction, no a job offer."

Amid rapturous laughter , Theresa May leapt to his defence insisting: "Our foreign secretary is doing an absolute excellent job. 

"He is in short a FFS - a fine foreign secretary."

The prime minister also pressed Mr Corbyn to get on the phone to stop the “appalling” Southern Rail strikes. 

Amid claims a union boss backed the same door opening system the Labour leader now opposes, she said: “He’s right to raise the disceprancy in attitude of ASLEF. 

“I hope the talks at ACAS are going to lead to an end to this strike.

“I’ve got a suggestion for the leader of the opposition - the Labour Party is funded by ASLEF. 

Theresa MayBBC

Theresa May speaks during the last PMQs before Christmas

“Why doesn’t he get on the phone and tell them to call off the strike immediately?” 

During the heated debate, SNP MP Mike Weir called for Arbroath smokes to continue being protected if Britain leaves the European Union

He says: “I’m sure everyone would recognise the significance of Arbroath smokie if we leave the EU." 

To which the PM replied: “At the end there he said 'should we leave the EU', I can tell him we will be leaving the EU". 

MPs this afternoon also raised the ongoing crisis in the besieged Syrian city of Allepo and called for British intervention. 

But Mrs May appeared to pin the blame on Russia's Vladimir Putin saying: “There’s a very simple message to President Putin. 

SNP Mike Weir BBC

SNP Mike Weir questioned whether we will be leaving the EU

"He has it within his own hands to say to the Assad regime, enough is enough. 

“It’s in President Putin’s hands. He can do it. Why doesnt he?”

SNP Westminster leader Angus Robertson condemned the bombing of Yemeni civilians by Saudia Arabia. 

He claimed the UK has licensed £3.3billion of arms to the Middle East Kingdom since the bombing of Yemen began. 

He said: “What will it take for the UK to adopt an ethical foreign policy.” 

But Mrs May said Britain has a “relationship with Saudi Arabia", adding: “The intelligence we get from Saudi Arabia has saved potentially hundreds of lives here in the UK.” 

Finishing the lenghty 45 minute debate, Conservative MP Phillip Davies called for the nation’s foreign aid budget should be spent on the British elderly instead. 

However the PM said it was important to consider the millions around the world suffering poverty. 

She added: “We should all be proud of that.”

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