'Your figures are WRONG' Feisty Radio 4 host scolds Labour MP over rough sleepers plan

A LABOUR MP proposing to earmark 4,000 housing association homes for rough sleepers has admitted the plan is based on incorrect figures.

John Healey calls level of homelessness a national shame

Shadow housing secretary John Healey was questioned over the number of people sleeping on the UK’s streets on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme – describing it as a “national shame”.

Labour has promised to double the number of properties ring-fenced for the homeless – and wants to back the plan.

Host Mishal Husain scolded the MP and said: “Those 4,000 homes, those ring-fenced homes – that would only end the problem of rough sleeping if the figures of around 3,500 people sleeping rough in England at the moment are right.

“Many people think the real figures are higher, for example, the charity Crisis.”

Mr Healey conceded her point but continued to insist the would be able to drive down figures.

Mishal Husain and John HealeyGETTY

Mishal Husain grilled John Healey over his plans to end rough sleeping in the UK

There is certainly a problem with figures and there’s certainly a problem on our streets

Labour MP John Healey

He said: “There is certainly a problem with figures and there’s certainly a problem on our streets and it really is a national shame that 10 days before Christmas, we’ve got people sleeping on the streets in shop doorways, on park benches – and the tragedy of this is, we know it can be solved.”

Labour’s plan is to revive the Rough Sleepers Initiative introduced by Tory housing minister Sir George Young in 1991, which continued under Tony Blair.

The scheme used outreach teams to locate rough sleepers and refer them to safe houses.

Mr Healey said: “We know what works, we did it before, we got record low levels of rough sleeping under the last Labour Government but our problem now is that it’s doubled since 2010.”

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London rough sleeperGETTY

A rough sleeper in London

Husain pressed the politician on the issue of figures once more.

“But the problem is the pledge your making to end this [rough sleeping] is based on a number that you are admitting could be an underestimate of the real figures,” she said.

However, the Wentworth and Dearne MP insisted it was the first part of an “essential strategy”.

He said: “This is designed to be the first plank of a new national plan.

“It’s part of an essential strategy to create more capacity in a system that is taking people off the streets giving them that emergency shelter in hostels but increasingly we’ve got a problem where there’s nowhere for them to move on to when they want to start to rebuild their lives and settle down.”

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