Sick ISIS video ‘shows desperate jihadis are FAILING and have turned to goading the West'

ISLAMIC State’s latest sickening video is an attempt to “goad” the west after the jihadis “recent string of failures”, a security expert has claimed.

Cameron and stills from the ISIS propaganda filmGETTY/IG

Joshi said the video is an attempt at “threatening, goading and provoking

The propaganda film, which purportedly shows the execution of five alleged British spies, also contained threats of terror attacks on the UK.

But security think tank spokesperson Shashank Joshi has claimed that the threats are aimed at “threatening, goading and provoking” Western opponents – including the UK, Australia and the USA.

Joshi said: "I think there is an overall sense in which they have had relatively few successes in the past few weeks.

Daesh JihadiIG

The twisted jihadi spoke with a British accent

"They have been pushed back and these videos are a method to try and maintain support."

The senior research fellow from the Royal United service institute has claimed that militants from ISIS, also known as Daesh, are trying to gain support from their backers around the world while intimidating the public.

The video featured a child with a British accent pointing out where the executions would take place.

David CameronGETTY

ISIS members used the video to call the PM an "imbecile"

It went on to show one twisted terror member – who also had a British accent – taunting David Cameron, calling the Prime Minister an “imbecile” and an “insignificant leader”.

Joshi said: ”It is about striking terror into our minds - they are threatening, goading and provoking us.

"The stronger their (IS's) reputation, the more people who will travel to their caliphate, the more recruits they can have around the world and the more people will travel to Syria and Iraq and so they can potentially eclipse their rivals."

Jihadis with hostagesIG

Five alleged British spies were purported to have been murdered in the video

He added the video should be viewed “sceptically and as propaganda”.

The Foreign Office is probing the content of the video, which is reminiscent of previous clips showing the executions of American journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff, American aid worker Peter Kassig and Japanese journalist Kenji Goto.

James FoleyAP

The propaganda was reminiscent of the brutal execution video of journalist James Foley

The Spread of ISIS

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