Muslim convert tried to join sick terror group days after mental unit release

A MUSLIM convert with schizophrenia has been jailed after trying to join an Islamic terror group.

Trevor MulindwaIG/GETTY

Trevor Mulindwa was found sleeping in a Heathrow airport prayer room

Trevor Mulindwa tried to join Al-Shabaab in Somalia after getting hold of jihadi recruitment material in a secure mental health unit.

The 21-year-old spent part of his former sentence for dealing crack cocaine in prison before being moved to a secure unit at London's Springfield Hospital.

He converted to Islam shortly before being arrested for conspiracy to sell class A drugs.

While serving the 27-month sentence he asked Muslim members of staff which mosques he could visit to become an extremist.


He was aiming to join terror group Al-Shabaab in Somalia

Mulindwa also said he was interested in becoming a suicide bomber.

He was caught sleeping in a prayer room at Heathrow Airport just days after being released 15 months early from the secure unit.

Judge Peter Lodder said it was "an unusual and serious case".

He added: “It is now clear that while in Springfield you underwent a period of intense self-radicalisation in which you repeatedly accessed, despite restrictions and close supervision, websites containing jihadi material.

crack cocaineGETTY FILE PIC

Mulindwa was originally convicted for dealing crack cocaine

"Furthermore you asked Muslim staff...about which mosques you could go to to become an extremist and you expressed an interest in becoming a suicide bomber."

He added: "Willing, radicalised recruits with British passports who offer themselves to callous and sinister organisations such as Al-Shabaab constitute a serious threat to the security of this country."

Mulindwa's defence lawyer said he is currently being treated for his mental health issues.

He added: "Since being convicted he has stopped believing in Islam. He said 'I got arrested for it so I stopped'."

Springfield University HospitalIG

He was released from Springfield University Hospital just days before he was caught

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