Flood misery of forgotten village: St Michaels devastated by Storm Desmond

FLOODS have been a matter of life and death for families in St Michaels on Wyre for as long as they can remember, but for the past week the picturesque village has been the forgotten victim of Storm Desmond.

Pamela and John NickolsSTUART MASON

Pamela and John Nickols were marooned upstairs as the river flowed in

While the global coverage on the chaos caused by last weekend’s deluge has focused on Cumbria, this tiny Lancashire community has stoically stood up to the rising waters.

The village sits 32 feet above sea level so residents are well aware of the dangers posed by living next to a large river from which the village takes its name.

Days after devastation was wreaked by one of the waterway’s tributaries the community looked more like a disaster movie set than an idyllic village where many come to retire.

Soldiers were billeted in the 14th century church of St Michaels while they fought back the floods last week.

Environment Agency staff worked 15 hours a day pumping water and rebuilding breached defences.

Pamela and JohnSTUART MASON

Pamela and John will have to move out of their home for months while repairs are done

Yet with more rain forecast this weekend the community was resigned to the flooding dragging on for many weeks.

This village and water are inextricably linked, due to an explosion 31 years ago which destroyed an underground water pumping station during a community visit and killed 16 villagers.

Relatives still live in the community. The Rev. Andrew Wilkinson, vicar for the last 16 years, admitted events of the last week had brought back painful memories.

“We are 600 souls who have faced tragedy in the past and come through,” he said. “I believe this time will be no different.”

Two performances of the church’s nativity play were cancelled this weekend but the costumes now hang ready for next weekend’s re-scheduled shows.

Flooding in CumbriaGETTY

Worldwide coverage of flooding chaos has focused on Cumbria

The Church of England school, which was flooded, is being housed at a nearby farm.

Tomorrow the 120 children will enjoy a trip to Blackpool Zoo and a panto while their classrooms are deep cleaned.

Hours after another flood warning last Thursday officials met with families to explain the situation.

The meeting was described as “heated”. Many believe that while hundreds of thousands of pounds have been spent on the River Wyre little work has been carried out on the tributaries that flow into it.

Damage to the Nickols' homeSTUART MASON

Flood Damage to the Nickols' home

We are just a little village and I think we have been forgotten in all this drama. We have sympathy with the people in Cumbria but others have been affected by this

Pamela Nickols

Pamela and John Nickols only got back into their family home on Thursday.

They had recently finished work on an extension to help them care for Pamela’s 92-year-old mother Elsie Green.

As the storm hit, Pamela waded through rising waters to salvage most of their possessions, dragging them upstairs where the three of them sheltered.

Pamela, 61, said: “We are just a little village and I think we have been forgotten in all this drama. We have sympathy with the people in Cumbria but others have been affected by this.

“There’s a wonderful community spirit and that has shone through. Friends have rallied round and we can’t thank them enough. But there is anger towards the Environment Agency.”

Her husband John, 76, a retired lawyer, said: “Last weekend we were forgotten and if it wasn’t for kind-hearted people I’m not sure how most of us would have got through this.”

Donkey rescued during Storm Desmond

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