Teenage yobs who robbed town bars told 'MAN UP' or face prison by tough magistrate

A NO-nonsense magistrate told two teenage yobs to “man-up”, warning them: “You’ve seen prison on television. Wake up and taste the coffee.”


The teenage friends (not pictured) earlier this month admitted burgling The Bar

The boys, aged 16 and 17, had appeared before stern chair of the bench Joan Cooper at Bolton Youth Court for the attempted burglary of two town centre bars.

They narrowly avoided jail as she told the pair to walk away from crime unless they wanted to spend a wasted life in and out of prison.

The tough-talking justice of the peace also let rip into the tearaways by shaming them into “getting their act together” after the duo were caught red-handed last month.

The 16-year-old was stunned when told by Mrs Cooper: “You’re almost a man now.

“It’s time to wake up and taste the coffee.

“You’ve seen prison on television. If you don’t get your act together, that’s where you’re going.”

Meanwhile the 17 year-old was warned: “Hopefully we can put you on the road to getting better – but it has to come from you.

“You’re on the verge of turning into a man. It’s time to ‘man up’.”


Their crimes were part of a spate of town centre break-ins

Hopefully we can put you on the road to getting better – but it has to come from you

Mrs Cooper

The teenage friends, who cannot be named, earlier this month admitted burgling The Bar and attempting to burgle the Spinning Mule pub, both in Bolton town centre, with intent to steal on October 20.

Their crimes were part of a spate of town centre break-ins that forced neighbourhood police officers to put on extra patrols to deal with the nuisance.

It is not believed that the two teenagers had taken part in any of these other raids.

Today the 16 year-old was given a 12-month youth rehabilitation order with supervision and activity requirements.

The youth has to abide by a three-month curfew between 9pm and 7am that will be electronically monitored.

He is not allowed to associate with his co-defendant and two other individuals and was ordered to pay a £15 victim surcharge.

His 17-year-old co-defendant admitted a further two offences of receiving stolen goods namely £100 cash and a stereo fascia and a sat nav holder on October 29.


It is not believed that the two teenagers (not pictured) had taken part in any of these other raids

He was given an 18-month youth rehabilitation order with supervision and must pay the same victim surcharge.

The 17-year-old was also made subject to a three-month electronically-monitored curfew.

Inspector Dave Henthorne, of Greater Manchester Police’s Bolton neighbourhood team, said they are trying to clamp down on nighttime business raids.

Insp Henthorne said: “Bolton town centre has suffered a significant number of commercial burglaries over the past few months which is the last thing that businesses need in the run up to Christmas.

“My staff will continue to work with the business community and to put the offenders before the courts.” 

City guide: Manchester

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