REVEALED: The British women supporters of ISIS who are spouting hate to our teenagers

HATE-FILLED female Islamic State (ISIS) recruiters are operating in Britain promising mothers and their children paradise when they look down the barrel of a gun, shocking secret recordings have revealed.

Three schoolgirls from Britain fled to join ISIS earlier this year PA

Three schoolgirls from Britain fled to join ISIS earlier this year

A worrying number of British teenagers are attending London "study groups” led by Muslim hate preachers spouting anti-semitic and pro-ISIS rants - and although such sickening behaviour is illegal it cannot be policed behind closed doors. 

British born Umm Luqman, who is the former leader of the female wing of British based terror group al-Muhajiroun, told her followers the “good days have already begun” as she praised the birth of the depraved terror group as a true Islamic caliphate

In a sick rant, captured by secret recordings set to appear on a documentary, the 41-year-old mother-of-four who lives in London accused Jewish people of “audacity and arrogance”. 

Speaking to a meeting of around 20 women and several children at an event in east London, Luqman said ISIS would defeat its enemies, adding: “Don’t ever lose hope, there is a plan of Allah, that we can’t see unfolding already, very soon we will be seeing.

notorious British ISIS jihadi Sally JonesSWNS

Notorious British ISIS jihadi Sally Jones

Don’t ever lose hope, there is a plan of Allah

Hate preacher Umm Luqman

“They may be making all these plans in the corridors of Whitehall, in 10 Downing Street and in the White House and wherever they may be, but the same thing has happened time and time again. Do you think anyone ever defeated Allah?”. 

Last night it emerged that David Cameron is set to unveil his war plans to help eradicate depraved ISIS, with MPs expected to vote in the Commons over British airstrikes in Syria within two weeks. 

But another female hate preacher, identified as Umm Saalihah, accused the government of being “cowards" unwilling to “come down and show their boots on the ground”. 

She then went on to praise barbaric ISIS fighters who “look down into a barrel of a gun and see paradise”. 

More than 100 Britons, including three schoolgirls from Bethnal Green Academy in east London, have joined ISIS since it began its reign of terror in Iraq and war-torn Syria in 2014. 

Saalihah told her listeners that the government’s counter extremism strategy was failing and instead leading to more radicalisation. 

She added: “If they thought it was a plan to deradicalise people, God, they got it wrong, because, if anything, more and more people are becoming that they call radicalised. 

More than 100 Brits have joined ISIS in Syria since 2014 IG

More than 100 Brits have joined ISIS in Syria since 2014

The secret investigation, carried out by an undercover female reporter, also revealed that hate preaching has been pushed underground and in some cases playing out in a living room because of government pressures on mosques. 

The reporter initially contacted Luqman and Saalihah over social media site Twitter before infiltrating their inner circles at different secret locations. 

While posing as an ISIS sympathiser, she was approached by notorious British ISIS jihadi Sally Jones, a 45-year-old mother and punk rocker who has become a dangerous online recruit for the depraved terrorists.

David CameronGETTY

David Cameron is set to unveil a British war plan to eradicate ISIS

Counter-terror experts have expressed their dismay at the secret findings. 

Nazir Afzal, former chief prosecutor for the Crown Prosecution Service, warned the women’s views would posed the risk of attracting disillusioned followers. 

She added: “She is clearly sympathetic, more than sympathetic of the so-called Islamic State. She’s presenting that as the only show in town and that if you’re a Muslim then that’s what you should aspire to and that’s extremely dangerous. 

“And by supporting them, she is potentially potentially committing a criminal offence. It’s more than worrying, it’s extremely dangerous when you;re having that conversation.”

The hate preachers will appear on ‘ISIS: The British women supporters’ on Channel 4 at 9pm on Monday. 

David Cameron's statement on Islamist extremism after the Paris attacks

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