At your convenience: 26 per cent of Britons use mobile phone on toilet

MORE than one in four Brits use their mobile phone while on the toilet, according to research.

More than two-thirds of Brits consider themselves multi-taskersGETTY

More than two-thirds of Brits consider themselves multi-taskers

The study shows more than two-thirds of Brits consider themselves multi-taskers with some spending a third of the day attempting to juggle at least two things at once.

Researchers found that when it comes to doubling up Brits can’t leave their tech alone, no matter where they are, with 26 per cent using their mobile phone whilst on the loo.

And one in seven (14 per cent) admit replying to emails while walking – often resulting in them falling off pavements or bumping into lampposts and post boxes.

Some even admitted dropping their phone in the toilet or bath.

We’re not surprised so many people decide to make the most of their journey, the train is the perfect place for people to read a good book, catch up on work or on their sleep

Emma Rudge, Cross Country

A study shows that almost half (46 per cent) multi-task while travelling, with 41 per cent most likely to when on the train, compared to on planes (10 per cent) or on buses (seven per cent).

Researchers found one in four Brits (24 per cent) spend over four hours multi-tasking a day and a busy one in 11 (nine per cent) do so for more than seven hours a day.

The survey of more than 2,450 people by CrossCountry also revealed that women rate themselves as the best multi-taskers (61 per cent), giving the accolade to just one per cent of men.

Dropping ones phone in the toilet or bath is a common occurrenceGETTY

Dropping ones phone in the toilet or bath is a common occurrence

Recognising their female counterparts, just one in nine men (11 per cent) regard themselves as the best when it comes to multi-tasking.

During train journeys 70 per cent choose to read a book and more than one in four (28 per cent) are hard at it catching up on emails or work-related tasks.

Those living in the South West are the most chatty, with 58 per cent talking to strangers on the train compared to just 46 per cent of their neighbours from the South East.

61 per cent of woman rate themselves as the best multi-taskersGETTY

61 per cent of woman rate themselves as the best multi-taskers

One in four people (25 per cent) surveyed in Plymouth have used their journey to apply make-up compared to just seven per cent of Mancunians.

People living in Leicester have looked for love, with one in seven (15 per cent) admitting flirting with a fellow traveller or member of staff.

The Welsh are most likely to be found catching 40 winks, with nearly half (49 per cent) saying they’ve had a nap while on the train.

Emma Rudge, for CrossCountry, said: “We’re not surprised so many people decide to make the most of their journey, the train is the perfect place for people to read a good book, catch up on work or on their sleep.”

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