'Save our steel industry' workers and unions plead as Redcar plant closes

A CALL for urgent action to save Britain’s steel industry will be made today.

Redcar and Mr JavidGETTY

Unions will lobby Mr Javid after the closure

Unions will lobby Business Secretary Sajid Javid at a “steel summit” after the closure of the SSI plant in Redcar, Teesside.

The shutdown will see the immediate loss of 1,700 jobs, with thousands more threatened in the supply chain. It brings to an end 170 years of steel-making in the area. The last shifts were worked yesterday at the plant which is closing after Thai owner SSI went into liquidation.

The official receiver had ruled that there was “no realistic prospect” of finding a buyer for the business. Business Minister Anna Soubry denied the Government had washed its hands of the plant and pointed to the £80million allocated to retrain workers and help them to find new jobs.


The furnaces at the plant will go cold for the first time in decades

Ms Soubry said SSI lost £500million over five years at Redcar and denied claims that there were buyers poised to step in. She added that government officials had also had to combat some “peculiar and appalling practices from the Thai owners”. She explained that on one occasion the employers’ liability insurance had not been paid.

The Government scandalously missed opportunities to intervene and protect the industrial assets in Redcar

General secretary of the Community union, Roy Rickhuss

Local Labour MP Tom Blenkinsop dismissed the government aid package as a public relations gimmick and demanded: “Why are arguably the best coke ovens and the largest blast furnace in Britain – where production costs are lower than 90 per cent of other EU sites – being allowed to close while less efficient sites in this global steel price downturn continue?”

With smoke and steam pouring from the plant as the coke ovens were allowed to cool for the first time in decades, Paul Warren, spokesman for the unions at Redcar, said the closure had caused “utter devastation”.

John McDonnell meets steel workersGETTY

Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell met with steel workers and their families

Protester Linda RobinsonGETTY

Middlesborough council will ask the government for an inquiry into the closure

Roy Rickhuss, general secretary of the Community union, said: “The Government scandalously missed opportunities to intervene and protect the industrial assets in Redcar, which has left a community devastated and taxpayers picking up a bill of hundreds of millions to clean the site.”

As Mr Javid prepared for the steel summit in Rotherham he said: “This is a hugely difficult time for the steel industry across the world – one of the toughest ever.

“While it will not be solved overnight, we will work in partnership with the industry to help find some answers.”

A steelworks mothballed more than two years ago has bucked the gloomy trend by resuming production today. Liberty Steel in Newport, South Wales, is to supply the domestic market and will have the potential to expand into exports.

British Steel, Redcar Teesside - 1984

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