Voting to stay in EU does not make you LESS BRITISH ex M&S boss reckons

PATRIOTS of Britain should fight to stay in the European Union, the chair of the In campaign insisted, as he attacked those who want to leave as "quitters".

Stuart Rose is launching the Britain stronger in Europe campaign GETTY

Stuart Rose is launching the Britain stronger in Europe campaign

Launching the Britain Stronger in Europe campaign, Stuart Rose said it is "patriotic" to vote to stay and it does not make him "any less British". 

The former Marks & Spencer boss will also warn that a 'Brexit' would be a "leap into the dark". 

Mr Rose will make a impassioned speech to remain in, claiming that it is "utter nonsense" that voters must choose between Britain and Europe. 

He will claim that Europe brings £450 worth of benefits to British households every year. 

Nigel Farage has hinted that  Boris Johnson is to join the 'Out' campaign GETTY

Nigel Farage has hinted that Boris Johnson is to join the 'Out' campaign

I will not allow anyone to tell me I’m any less British because I believe in the strongest possible Britain for business

Stuart Rose

Mr Rose will say: "To claim that the patriotic course for Britain is to retreat, withdraw and become inward looking is to misunderstand who we are as a nation.

"In this ever changing and very uncertain world we need to engage with strength.

“I will not allow anyone to tell me I’m any less British because I believe in the strongest possible Britain for business, for our security and our society.

With a 'Brexit' referendum expected to take place before the end of 2017, Mr Rose will also address the criticism that he was once a member of anti-EU group Business for Britain in his speech.

He is to say: "Those of you who know me will know that I am not an uncritical fan of the European Union. Far from it. 

"That’s why I signed a letter arranged by Business for Britain calling for reform of the EU.

“Wanting reform, however, is not the same as wanting to leave."

Nigel Farage is backing the Out campaign GETTY

Nigel Farage is backing the Out campaign

The In campaign, backed by ex-Labour leader Tony Blair, is also supported by a group of cross party politicians including Labour's Chuka Umunna, new Tory MPs Flick Drummond and Ben Howlett and Lib Dem peer Jim Wallace.

Mr Rose's speech comes as Nigel Farage backed Boris Johnson to spearhead the campaign to get the UK out of the EU.

Ukip's leader said it would be "good news" if the London Mayor agreed to front the fight for a Brexit. 

The 'out' campaign has attracted supporters from all parties, including Green peer Jenny Jones and MP for Birmingham Perry Barr, Khalid Mahmood. 

Mr Mahmood said: "If we leave the EU, we will be able to stop the current immoral, expensive and out-of-control immigration system.

"We currently have an open door to EU migrants but block people from non-EU countries who could contribute to the UK - in particular from the Commonwealth.

An ICM poll of 1,947 people last week found that the 'in' campaign is currently leading 44 per cent - 39 per cent on the question of whether Britain should remain in the EU.

Stuart Rose warns that a warn that a 'Brexit' would be a GETTY

Stuart Rose warns that a warn that a 'Brexit' would be a "leap into the dark"

EU Referendum: What we know

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