Angela Merkel clashes with David Cameron over British EU reforms

DAVID Cameron faced pressure from Angela Merkel to list an agenda for EU reform last night.

Angela Merkel visited David CameronGETTY

Angela Merkel visited David Cameron at Chequers, his country residence, yesterday

Berlin officials said the German Chancellor was increasingly frustrated by the slow progress of his bid to repatriate powers from Brussels. 

Michael Gahre of her Christian Democrat Union party warned that Britain could not succeed outside a strong alliance. 

David Cameron addressing the EUGETTY

Berlin officials said Merkel is growing increasingly impatient of Britain's EU demands

He said: “With the refugee crisis, conflict with Russia, the crisis around the Mediterranean – does anybody really think you can do it alone?” 

A Downing Street official said: “There are a number of areas where we need reform.” 

Merkel and Cameron at ChequersGETTY

Cameron said he and Merkel would 'raise a glass' to celebrate his 49th birthday yesterday

Nigel Farage at the EU on ThursdayGETTY

Ukip leader Nigel Farage, who has publicly backed the Leave.EU campaign

Mr Cameron was celebrating his 49th birthday yesterday and was expected to “raise a glass” with his guest at Chequers. 

The meeting followed the launch of Vote Leave pressing for an EU referendum exit and naming more than 20 leading business figures backing it. 

It rivals Leave.EU, launched last month and backed by Ukip leader Nigel Farage.

Boris Johnson - UK could exit EU and thrive

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