SNP forced to say sorry for abandoned patients after man, 80, 'left in storage room'

The Scottish First Minister John Swinney has offered an 'unreserved apology' after it was reported more than half of patients are being left in hospital corridors.

By Richard Ashmore, Senior News Reporter

Scottish FM John Swinney

The SNP leader has apologised for patients being treated in corridors (Image: Getty )

The leader of the SNP has offered an embarrassing "unreserved apology" to patients in Scottish hospitals after a report found more than half are being treated in corridors.

The comments of the First Minister come after the Glasgow Times reported that the family of an 80-year-old stroke patient claimed he was "left in a storage room".

Pictures shared by the family with the publication showed drinks cans and bottles on the shelves around their relative. However, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde have denied it was a storage room, saying it was a "resus room which is routinely used to care for patients".

Mr Swinney's apology follows a report from the Royal College of Emergency Medicine (RCEM) which found that overcrowding in Scotland's emergency departments has led to more than half treating patients in hospital corridors.

First Minister Swinney acknowledged that the NHS is under pressure but said Scottish Labour's policies would make the problems worse.

Hospital corridor

A recent Royal College of Emergency Medicine (RCEM) report revealed corridor treatment (Image: Getty )

Mr Swinney said the recovery from the pandemic and the issue of delayed discharge - which he said is being exacerbated by Brexit - is putting "significant and acute" pressure on hospitals.

He said: "If anybody is treated in the fashion that he has recounted, and I've seen media reports this morning of a particular case at the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, then I apologise unreservedly to anybody who has that experience.

"And assure members of the public that the Government is doing all that it possibly can do to address that circumstance."

But Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar slammed the SNP's healthcare record, saying: "Imagine you or one of your loved ones lying on a trolley for hours. No privacy, no dignity, just pain and distress.

"After 17 years of this SNP government, why has corridor care become such commonplace?"

Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, Glasgow

Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, Glasgow, where a patient was found in a store room (Image: PA )

He continued: "Week after week we've been hearing apologies from SNP first ministers. Then we just get apologies the week after and the week after. Nothing actually changes in terms of people's lived experience."

The Scottish Labour leader said, according to RCEM estimates, more than 1,000 avoidable deaths had taken place due to delayed treatment. Mr Swinney reiterated the challenges facing the NHS.

He attacked Mr Sarwar's pledge from the Scottish Labour manifesto launch, where he committed to avoid raising taxes if he becomes first minister after the 2026 Holyrood election.

Mr Swinney said: "The consequences of his stance will be to reduce public expenditure in Scotland.

"So, it is quite simply beyond credibility to come here and ask me to invest more money in the NHS, to tackle the issues that Mr Sarwar is concerned about, when he wants to cut public expenditure and any prospective UK Government will also be cutting public expenditure."

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