Paedophile Colin Blanchard to remain behind bars as parole bid quashed

A Parole Board summary released today warned Blanchard, 53, could still be a danger and more work is needed before he can be released.


Colin Blanchard will stay behind bars (Image: PA)

A NOTORIOUS paedophile who urged nursery worker Vanessa George to abuse several babies and toddlers has had his bid for freedom quashed, after he was demeed to still be a danger.

A Parole Board summary just released warned Blanchard, 53, could still have extreme sexual interests and more work is needed before he can be released.

It said: "The panel noted that Mr Blanchard caused very serious harm to victims through his offending. The panel considered his sexual interests to be pervasive.

Blanchard, originally from Rochdale, told the panel that he no longer experiences extreme fantasies.

The report added: "The panel accepted that this may be true, however, it only had Mr Blanchard’s word to support this. The panel was concerned that he is not prepared to acknowledge that these feelings may come back and he had not worked on strategies to help him manage his own risk if this were to happen.

"The panel determined that there would need to be greater certainty that Mr Blanchard can manage himself safely and that he fully understands his risks and triggers. He will be eligible for another parole review in due course."

Blanchard was referred to the Parole Board by the Secretary of State for Justice to determine whether he could be safely released on parole licence.

The Secretary of State had directed that Mr Blanchard would not be eligible for a place in an open prison.

The panel could only direct release if it was satisfied that it was no longer necessary for the protection of the public that Blanchard remained confined in prison.

The case was considered at an oral hearing on May 29 and May 31 this year 2024.


Twisted Vanessa George abused 64 babies and toddlers at a nursery (Image: Devon and Cornwall Police)

On 10 January 2011, Blanchard received a sentence of imprisonment for public protection, following his conviction for a number of sexual offences.

He was convicted of thirteen charges of making indecent photographs of children, five charges of taking indecent photographs of children, four charges of distributing indecent images of children, two charges of the sexual assault of a child under 13, and offences of assault of a child under 13 by penetration and possession of extreme pornographic images.

The panel explored whether Blanchard had information that might be able to identify victims in the images he had in his possession, but he told the panel that he did not know the identity of any children and that if he did he would provide this.

The summary added: "Having considered the index offences, relevant patterns of behaviour and the other evidence before it, the panel listed as risk factors those influences which made it more likely that Mr Blanchard would reoffend.

"Mr Blanchard has accepted that he had a sexual interest in children and in bestiality.

"The panel noted Mr Blanchard’s desire to pursue extreme sexual fantasies. It considered his way of life, choice of friends and his difficulty in managing extreme emotions to be relevant risk factors. Concerns had also been raised about openness and honesty, and Mr Blanchard’s engagement with professionals.

"The panel noted that Mr Blanchard does not believe that he will offend again because he is of the view that he can now manage the triggers to his offending.

"He believes that the work he has completed in prison has helped him to address this.

"The psychologist instructed by Blanchard’s legal representative supported his release on licence and felt that he had insight into his offending behaviour and could be safely managed in the community.

"All other witnesses did not support release and the panel was told that Blanchard needed to do further work in prison to demonstrate that he can be open and honest with staff."

Blanchard recruited George, now 53, who abused 64 babies and toddlers in her care over several years.

In 2011 Bristol Crown Court was told that Blanchard convinced nursery worker George to abuse babies and toddlers in her care at Little Ted’s nursery in Efford, Plymouth.

She shared videos of her attacks with Blanchard and was jailed for seven years and later released in September 2019 after serving ten-years in jail.

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