Just Stop Oil's secret plans to 'paralyse London' in 'biggest protest ever'

EXCLUSIVE: Climate crusaders from across the country are set to descend on the capital during Monday rush-hour, in a bid to force what they call "the murderous government" to scrap all new domestic oil and gas licensing.

By Max Parry, News Reporter

Just Stop Oil activists plan a week of traffic chaos

Just Stop Oil activists plan a week of traffic chaos (Image: GETTY)

Eco-activists are plotting to "paralyse" London next week with a series of mass protests intended to cripple the economic heart of Britain.

The Daily Express infiltrated the radical campaign group Just Stop Oil to hear of their plans to bring the capital to a standstill.

Climate crusaders from across the country are set to descend on the capital during Monday rush-hour, in a bid to force what they call “the murderous government” to scrap all new domestic oil and gas licensing.

They are branding the mass protest “Everyone Week”, and are encouraging hordes of orange-clad slow marchers to disrupt crucial road networks until Saturday.

The plan is to “shut down the capital” in what the protestors vow will be their “biggest week of action yet”.

Met Police are desperately putting special measures into place, while Home Secretary Suella Braverman will use new beefed up anti-protest laws in a bid to halt the chaos.

Last night a Home Office source said: “These selfish, irresponsible eco-zealots should think about the hard-working Brits whose daily lives they wreck as they try to get to jobs, medical appointments or funerals.

“Make no mistake, their plans will be met with swift action by the police using the new powers granted to them by this government.”

The new measures include a 12-month prison sentence for protesters who block roads and a six-month prison sentence or unlimited fine for anyone who locks on to others, objects or buildings. Police will also be able to stop and search protesters they suspect are setting out to cause “disruption”.

But in a defiant warning to the Government, Just Stop Oil said: “As the political establishment gears up to have a jolly holiday on their summer break, let’s show them that we won’t let them off the hook”.

During a get-together on Tuesday in Victoria Park, east London, infiltrated by an undercover Express journalist, a small group of activists discussed their part in the public mayhem.

Sat on an orange blanket, team leader Willow, told the group: “I am really excited for actually kind of like getting in the road and doing something.”

Prior to the gathering, one of the group’s ringleaders, who went by the name Pixel, told our man that every branch of the group will be slow marching with the goal of “paralysing London for a little bit”.

The action will see all 10 of the group’s branches attempt to disrupt traffic in a co-ordinated attack. Up until now, each of the 10 branches has taken it in turns to inflict infuriating tailbacks, however Monday will be the first week in which the regions unite to bring the city to a standstill.

Just Stop Oil will 'paralyse' London next week

Just Stop Oil will 'paralyse' London next week (Image: GETTY)

Another member at the Victoria Park meeting, Deborah Wilde, who was one of three Just Stop Oil activists that stormed the tennis courts of Wimbledon armed with confetti and jigsaw pieces, chimed in: “It’s our last week of marching for a while.

“I will go and I don’t care what anyone says because it’s so big. It’s all falling around us now. Everything is just falling apart.”

Coral, who told the circle of eco-warriors that she was “involved in union activities and the Labour Party”, praised Just Stop Oil’s recent campaign, saying: “Everybody’s scared they’re [Just Stop Oil] going to turn up.”

She also applauded the organisation for its ability to keep its plans secret.

She added: “The other impressive thing is about the security of the organisation, I don’t think there are many leaks.”

Last night former Home Secretary Priti Patel joined a chorus of attacks on the group to demand tougher police action.

She stormed: “The public is fed up with the disgraceful, disruptive and criminal acts of these pathetic attention-seeking eco zealots.

“Whether they are blockading roads, damaging property or interfering in sports events we have all had enough. The police and courts must make use of all the powers they have to take them off our streets, lock them up and protect the law-abiding majority.”

Police said the public should not intervene as they could put themselves at risk

Police said the public should not intervene as they could put themselves at risk (Image: GETTY)

Lee Anderson, deputy chairman of the Conservative Party: “These eco-extremists just can’t seem to get the message.

“Their new plan is downright diabolical - all they’ll achieve is more ambulances delayed, fire engines stuck, and police cars gridlocked. Just Stop Oil need to be dealt with swiftly and firmly.”

Tom Ryan, policy analyst of the TaxPayers’ Alliance, said: “Taxpayers will fear more disruptive protests will come with a large price tag.

“While the right to protest must be protected, in the past we’ve seen heavy costs to public services as a direct result of Just Stop Oil’s activities.

“It’s important that the police ensure these demonstrations are kept within the law to limit the cost of taxpayers.”

The final week of action is the culmination of more than two months of protests that have seen major sporting events including Wimbledon, The Ashes and the World Snooker Championships disrupted.

Just Stop Oil activists have slow-marched through the streets of London since the last week of April, causing chaos to commuters, school runs and people attempting to attend hospital appointments.

In some instances, frustrated members of the public have attempted to take matters into their own hands by physically removing the protestors from the roads in a desperate attempt to carry out their daily business.

But police said the public should not intervene as they could put themselves at risk - not least from potential charges for assault.

A spokesman for the National Police Chiefs’ Council said: “Taking the law into your own hands can be dangerous and we would urge anyone to call the police if a crime is taking place. Getting involved may put you at risk and can hinder the police’s ability to deal with an incident.”

In response to Just Stop Oil’s disruption, the Home Secretary has granted police new powers to remove activists from the road and allow ordinary Brits to get on with their daily lives.

Section 12 of the Public Order Act allows police to demand demonstrators get off the road or face arrest. As of yesterday the Met has made 132 are section 12 arrests.

Commander Karen Findlay said: “The Met will continue to provide an effective response as it has done across the last 12 weeks of protracted Just Stop Oil protests where the activity may or does cause serious disruption, public nuisance or involves criminal activity.

“We have a very experienced policing team in place as well as specialist officers available to deal with any range of tactics planned to disrupt London.

“People have the right to protest, but this needs to be balanced against the rights of others to go about their everyday business.

“Where protesters are causing a public nuisance or committing crime or criminal damage, police action will be swift. Our Public Order Crime Team investigators will ensure any offences are thoroughly investigated, and we have secured the best evidence to support decisions by criminal justice partners on prosecution.”

“We will monitor protests throughout the coming week and respond to locations as quickly as possible when they occur in order to keep disruption to Londoners to a minimum.”

Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves also hit out at the eco-campaigners, saying: “I have got no time for Just Stop Oil.

“If they want to tackle climate change, engage in the policy answers, but they are not building support for their cause, they are doing the exact opposite.

“It is counter-productive.”

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