POLL: Should the Met Police be broken up in major overhaul to rebuild public trust?

An independent report has found "systemic and fundamental problems" within London's Metropolitan Police, renouncing it as "institutionally racist, misogynistic and homophobic".

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Met Police chief reflects on Baroness Casey report

London’s has been found guilty of “institutional racism, misogyny and homophobia” and should be overhauled or broken up to better serve the public, a damning independent report has said. But do you think it should be reformed to rebuild public trust? Vote in our poll.

Met Police officers on duty

POLL: Should the Met Police be broken up in major overhaul to rebuild public trust? (Image: Getty)

Government official Baroness Louise Casey was commissioned to investigate the standards of behaviour and internal culture of Britain’s largest police force following the murder of Sarah Everard by serving officer Wayne Couzens.

Ms Casey published her final 363-page report on Tuesday, March 21, which declared there are “systemic and fundamental problems” in the force and “inadequate management”.

She wrote: “Everyone within the Met…now needs to recognise that its failings go well beyond the actions of ‘bad apple’ officers. On top of the unimaginable crimes of individuals and the shocking series of events that have hit the service in recent years, the way in which the Met has responded to them is also a symptom of a wider malaise in an organisation that has fundamentally lost its way.”

She made 16 recommendations which would result in a “complete overhaul” of the Met, and failure to reform could result in the breaking up of the force.

READ MORE: Damning report reveals British public’s loss of faith in Met Police

Commissioner said the report made “upsetting reading”. He said he was “under no illusions” about its significance and promised to do “everything that's humanly possible to implement the recommendations”.

He continued: “These events have damaged the confidence of London in its police and caused us to look hard at ourselves.”

Whitehall sources said that the report was “do or die” for the Met. Ms Casey said that if “sufficient progress” was not made in reform then “dividing up the Met… should be considered”. The Met runs the national counter-terrorism command but some have called for this to be moved to the National Crime Agency to allow for focused policing of the capital.

One source told The Times that “nothing is off the table” in the long term but noted that there needed to be time for reforms to take place.

London Mayor  described the findings as “damning”. Adding that Ms Casey had uncovered “institutional racism, misogyny and homophobia”. He said: “This review simply must be a turning point and I expect all the recommendations to be implemented quickly and in full.”

So what do YOU think? Should the Met be broken up in major overhaul to rebuild public trust? Vote in our poll and leave your thoughts in the comment section below.

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