POLL: Should BBC chairman Richard Sharp resign over Boris Johnson loan?

Richard Sharp is facing calls to resign from his position as chairman of the BBC after a cross-party committee of MPs has said he should the impact of his actions on public trust.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Boris Johnson says Richard Sharp controversy is ‘nonsense’

chairman Richard Sharp was found to have made “significant errors of judgement”, by a cross-party committee of MPs, for failing to declare his role in arranging an £800,000 loan for former Prime Minister while applying for his role at the public broadcaster. But do you think he should resign? Vote in our poll.


Richard Sharp and Boris Johnson

POLL: Should BBC chairman Richard Sharp resign? (Image: Getty and PA)

The Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee said that Mr Sharp should “consider the impact his omissions will have” on public trust in the broadcaster.

The Labour Party has declared Mr Sharp’s position as chair of the BBC as “increasingly untenable”. Shadow Levelling Up Secretary said the report “is a really serious development and it makes Richard Sharp's position look increasingly untenable.” She added: “I think it's difficult to see how Richard Sharp could possibly stay in the position that he's in given the far-reaching implications for the reputation of the BBC and the implications for trust in journalism.”

While Deputy Labour Leader told BBC Radio Four's Today programme that Mr Sharp had “clearly brought the BBC into disrepute” and had “serious questions” to answer. She said: “I do think it is questionable about his position because he has thrown doubt on the impartiality and the independence.”

READ MORE: BBC chairman fights for his job over 'significant errors of judgment'

Speaking of the report’s findings on Sky's Sophy Ridge on Sunday programme, Development Minister Andrew Mitchell said it was a “matter for the BBC”.

Prime Minister has rejected calls for Mr Sharp to stand down. He told reporters on Monday that he did not want to pre-judge an inquiry. His spokesman said: “Ministers followed the correct process in terms of the appointment of Mr Sharp. He was someone who was selected appropriately following the appropriate process.”

Mr Sharp’s involvement with Mr Johnson has been scrutinised since the Sunday Times reported the claims last month. The committee’s report said Mr Sharp was wrong not to have told it or the appointments panel he had introduced his businessman friend Sam Blyth to Cabinet Secretary Simon Case.

A spokesperson for the chairman said: “Mr Sharp appreciates that there was information that the committee felt that it should have been made aware of in his pre-appointment hearing. He regrets this and apologises.

“It was in seeking at the time to ensure that the rules were followed, and in the belief that this had been achieved, that Mr Sharp acted in good faith in the way he did. Mr Sharp believed he had dealt with the issue by proactively briefing the Cabinet Secretary that he was applying for the role of BBC chair, and therefore beyond connecting Mr Blyth with Mr Case, he recused himself from the matter."

So what do YOU think? Should Mr Sharp resign from his position as BBC chairman? Vote in our poll and leave your thoughts in the comment section below.

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