Fox hunting ‘has no place’ as Britons slam ‘barbaric’ practice

FOX HUNTING should not be reintroduced as readers criticise Jeremy Hunt for formerly supporting the practice, a new poll of readers has found.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

450 deer and wild boar slaughtered in mass hunting session

Hunting foxes and wild animals has been banned in England and Wales since 2004 but in 2019, former Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt supported reversing the ban, declaring the practice an important part of the countryside’s “heritage”. He told the Telegraph in 2019 ahead of his previous Tory leadership bid: “I would vote to repeal the ban on fox hunting.

“I would as soon as there was a majority in Parliament that would be likely to repeal the fox hunting ban, then I would support a vote in Parliament.

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“It is part of the countryside, and we have to recognise that in terms of the balance of the countryside. You know, it’s part of our heritage.” 

At the time, the campaign group League Against Cruel Sports said Mr Hunt was “out of touch with public opinion” in offering a vote to reverse the legislation brought in by Tony Blair’s Labour Government. 

Mr Hunt’s team insist reversing the fox hunting ban is not part of his 2022 leadership bid.


Fox hunting ‘has no place’ as Britons slam ‘barbaric’ practice (Image: Sandra Standbridge/Getty and James Warwick/Getty)

Mr Hunt was eliminated from the Tory leadership contest to find Mr Johnson’s successor on Wednesday, July 13, after failing to reach the vote threshold in the first round ballot. 

In a poll that ran from 10am on Monday, July 12, to 11am on Thursday, July 14, asked: “Do you back Jeremy Hunt as Prime Minister as he previously supported fox hunting?” 

In total, 4,081 readers responded, with the vast majority, 84 percent (3,439 people) answering “no”, they do not support Jeremy Hunt as he previously supported fox hunting. 

A further 15 percent (607 people) said “yes” and just one percent (35 people) said they did not know either way.


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Jeremy Hunt

Jeremy Hunt previously supported reversing the ban on fox hunting (Image: Getty)

Hundreds of readers shared their thoughts on fox hunting in the comments section below the accompanying article. 

Most readers were against the traditional practice of fox hunting as a sport. 

Username DRX said: “Fox hunting has no place in the countryside or indeed anywhere else.” 

Username Itsmeoncemore said: “No, fox hunting should remain banned, it's barbaric.” 

And username Milton keynes mum said: “No more killing wild animals for fun, why do humans want to do this. Leave nature to sort it out on its own. Live and let live.”

Others commented that fox hunting was unacceptable with username KatMoi writing: “How can someone who thinks it is acceptable for a living creature to be horrifically torn apart by a pack of hounds be classed as a decent moral person?” 

Username juicyj said: “To mutilate foxes or any other animal is absolutely appalling behaviour. How can they justify and get joy out of this? 

“I have foxes in my garden which arrive in the evening for food which I give them. I could cry for these souls. They are amazing animals.” 

Meanwhile, username llamudos said: “I do not support Hunt. Yet fox hunting has its place in the countryside.” 

And some readers were in favour of hunting to control wild animal populations. 

Username Pished.Artist said: “Culling yes when their numbers get too high, same for badgers, rabbits and deer.”

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