Smart meter warning: Millions of UK devices could be rendered useless as demand surges

SMART meters and other smart energy devices could be susceptible to data breaches or even being disconnected by cyber-attacks which could render them useless.

By Matthew Dooley, Assistant News Editor

Martin Lewis on the pros and cons of smart meters

The Government has released a consultation that will look at requiring "smart devices" to meet the "minimum cybersecurity" requirement by the mid-2020s. It says that the greater use of Energy Smart Appliances (ESAs), which include smart meters, could create "new routes for cyber security attack". In 2021, an ethical hacking firm was able to break into a utility's network and shut down smart meters in North America.

The Government consultation says that "there are limited consumer protections to build confidence in the [Energy Smart Appliances] market."

It said: "In addition, greater use of ESAs and other associated services could pose risks to the energy system, such as creating new routes for cyber security attack."

The Government aims to strengthen cyber security around the industry as more smart devices and connectivity mean more ways to break into networks, including the energy grid.

The consultation read: "Our intent is to prioritise interventions that mitigate the most pressing risks or unlock the most significant benefits, such as interoperability of time-of-use tariffs and minimum cyber security requirements for ESAs. As such, we are taking a phased approach to
implementation, with some measures potentially applying from 2024."

A smart meter and hackers.

A Government consultation warned that more smart devices means new risks from cyber attack. (Image: GETTY)

A smart meter giving an inaccurate reading.

A smart meter giving an inaccurate reading. (Image: PA)

Smart meters communicate on a closed system called the Smart Meter Wide Area Network which is maintained to high-security standards and is endorsed by the National Cyber Security Centre, according to Shell Energy.

The consultation also proposes rewarding consumers depending on when they use their electricity, some of these proposals are already in effect.

For example, Electric Vehicle (EV) charge points sold after June 2022 will be required to meet minimum cyber security requirements. Additionally EV owners can subscribe to services where they get discounts, rewards or cash-back for letting a third party control when their car is charged.

The Government envisions this with smart meters or other smart devices such as heat pumps. It would encourage what it calls "time-of-use tariffs", meaning that energy would likely be more costly during peak hours.

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An Electric vehicle charger.

Some Electric Vehicle chargers give customers incentives to charge at off-peak hours. (Image: GETTY)

A smart meter and gas burner.

Around four million smart meters are thought to be running in dumb mode. (Image: PA)

Although the consultation focuses on all smart devices, the Government admits that there are concerns regarding smart meters.

The consultation reads: "However, private communication networks, such as the smart metering home/wide-area network, can also be used. These different communications networks will introduce different cyber security risks. There are also relevant interoperability, availability, and latency consideration."

Interoperability and latency concerns have been highlighted by reports that up to four million smart meters may be running, currently, in "dumb" mode rendering them useless.

Problems have been reported with the meters simply not working or not connecting following a change in a customer's energy provider.

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A chart showing gas companies.

Several energy companies have gone bust since the energy crisis began. (Image: EXPRESS)

There have also been some reports of the devices giving wildly inaccurate readings.

Many consumers have switched to smart meters to monitor their real-time energy use, following a spike in energy prices.

The Government says the devices are necessary to help meet its goal of becoming net carbon-zero by 2050.

There were 28.8 million households with smart meters installed in the UK at the end of March 2022, slightly more than half. By 2025, the Government hopes to have offered every UK household the option to install a smart meter.

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