'Rayner's a loud mouth!' Lifelong Labour voters says 'NO WAY' they're voting for party

A LIFELONG Labour supporter has turned away from Keir Starmer's Labour due to the leader's lack of "charisma".

By Matthew Dooley, Assistant News Editor

Boris Johnson resignation: Public reacts to PM’s statement

Express.co.uk took to the streets of London on Thursday to ask people about Boris Johnson’s resignation. Many said they were happy the Prime Minister was gone but didn’t like his potential replacements. But those frustrated with the Tories didn't seem keen to vote for Starmer's Labour either.

Nora, who did not want to reveal her last name, is 79 and retired. She told Express.co.uk that she and her late husband had been voting for Labour all their lives. When asked if she would support Labour in the next election she said there was no way.

She said: “Keir Starmer has had a charisma bypass!”

When asked about other leading Labour politicians she said she didn’t like Deputy Labour Leader Angela Rayner because she had a “loud mouth”.

Other voters echoed her concerns, Pablo Grant, 57, was elated that Boris Johnson had resigned, but when asked if he would vote for Labour, he said he was sure he wouldn't.

Two people and Keir Starmer

Voters have said they didn't like the PM, but they wouldn't be voting for Sir Keir Starmer. (Image: GETTY/EXPRESS)

Angela Rayner.

One voter said she didn't like Angela Rayner as she had a "loud mouth". (Image: GETTY)

He said: “No! Not at all, who have they got? Keir Starmer? Come on, he’s no opposition really.”

Asked if he would vote in a general election today, he said: “No, absolutely not.”

Susie, who also did not want to give her full name, is 29 and works at the Federation of Trade Unions, she is a Labour supporter and was happy to see the Prime Minister go.

She said: “I’m actually not really a fan of Keir Starmer, I think he’s a Tory underneath it all.”

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Boris Johnson

The comments come after Boris Johnson was forced to resign following a cabinet collapse. (Image: GETTY)

Keir Starmer and Angela Rayner.

One voter said Sir Keir had a "charisma bypass". (Image: GETTY)

The lack of faith in the Labour party comes as the Tories are in political turmoil as Boris Johnson was forced to resign after more than 50 of his ministers abandoned ship.

Finding that leader could prove to be difficult - most of the people Express.co.uk spoke with, both Tory and Labour supporters, couldn’t name or recognise the majority of the politicians likely in the running for leadership.

A YouGov poll which asked “How well is Keir Starmer doing as Labour leader?” showed that 54 per cent of respondents claimed he was doing “badly”.

Only 28 per cent said he was doing “well” while 18 per cent said “don’t know”. The poll is rolling and these numbers are from June 30th.

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A chart showing Keir Starmer.

Keir Starmer has recently said Labour would not try to re-join the EU. (Image: EXPRESS)

The news comes as it was announced today that Mr Starmer will not be receiving a fine for his involvement in the “beergate” scandal.

He had previously said that he would resign as Labour leader if he did receive such a fine from Durham Police.

Mr Starmer, along with Deputy Labour leader Angela Rayner, were cleared of wrongdoing regarding the incident and police said that no Covid laws had been broken.

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