Imperial measurements divide opinion in new poll: ‘Why can’t we use both!?’

BORIS JOHNSON is set to announce a return to imperial measurements but readers are split as to whether it should happen, a new poll has found.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Mark Francois: using Imperial system is about 'freedom of choice'

Prime Minister Boris Johnson is preparing to publish a proposal to revoke EU laws requiring metric units to be used and allow the return of pounds and ounces. His plans coincide with the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and as he faces pressure following the Partygate scandal.

The decision takes advantage of Brexit freedoms and has been praised as a “common sense” move by Tory MPs.

Goods sold in Europe have had to display metric weights and measurements since 1995 and since 2000 traders have been required to follow this for fresh produce.

Currently, Britain uses a mix of imperial and metric measures.

A Government source said: “We Brits measure our walks in miles and our beer and milk by the pint. 

“And nobody knows what a 4.5kg baby looks like, but we all know a 10-pounder is a whopper.

“It’s time we held our heads high about our long history of traditional measures.

“And what better way to celebrate Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee than restoring the crown emblem back onto the side of pint glasses so that we can toast her health and service to this country.”

A Cabinet source told the Mirror: “As the British people have been happy to use both imperial and metric measurements in their daily life it is good for the Government to reflect that now we are free to change our regulations accordingly.”

In a poll that ran from 1pm on Sunday, May 29, to 1pm on Tuesday, May 31, asked: “Should Britain return to imperial measurements in the post-Brexit revolution?”

A whopping 10,790 people cast their votes but readers were divided on whether or not imperial measurements should be brought back to Britain.

Overall, 50 percent (5,392 people) said “yes”, they should return while 49 percent (5,257 people) said “no”, they should not.

A further one percent (141 people) said they did not know either way.

Boris Johnson

Imperial measurements divide opinion in new poll: ‘Why can’t we use both!?’ (Image: Getty and Noel Hendrickson/Getty)

Thousands of comments were left below the accompanying article with readers participating in a lively discussion.

Many thought imperial units should be brought back, with one reader, username Liverpool2020 said: “Definitely go back to imperial measurements.”

While username Fairynuff said: “I have never used the metric system. I convert back to imperial and ask for whatever I buy in that unit.”

Username quizqueen wrote: “Yes, definitely mark everything in pounds and pence, especially petrol. Then everyone will realise how much we're being ripped off.”

And username highhazel said: “Anything that removes EU influence is a good thing.”

However, others thought the metric system should be kept in place with username Strong like bull writing: “This is nothing more than a distraction.”

Another, username ROB.1.N said: “NO! NO! NOOO!!! I definitely cannot side with Boris on this one! The metric system is far superior and easier to work with.”

And username MJav wrote: “Expensive change when our country is short of money! We are used to metric measurements now, let's stick to it!”

Meanwhile, some thought the country could use both metric and imperial measurements.

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Man weighing fruit

EU rules meant both units of measurement were required (Image: Noel Hendrickson/Getty)

Username Milton keynes mum said: “No reason why we could not use both, young people have only known metric, but others know both so should use either.”

Likewise, username JuneJohnson said: “I still convert to Imperial as do most of my friends, but we are in our 70s. 

“But will younger people understand it as they didn't learn Imperial, perhaps run with both?”

Username aboutthat wrote: “Imperial measurements never went away, can't see why it's an issue. All measurement devices have both metric and imperial in the UK.”

And username TheRivet said: “If shopkeepers and retailers want to display pounds and ounces alongside metric, why not?”

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