The UK regions worst hit by soaring energy prices - is YOUR area one of them?

FAMILIES in some parts of the UK are being forced to pay 66 percent more of their weekly budget on heating compared with their counterparts in the capital.

By Tara Fair, News Editor

Energy prices: LBC caller speaks of 'panic' when bills arrive

Households in Northern Ireland spend the biggest proportion of their household budget on gas and electricity, according to data from the Office for National Statistics. People in Northern Ireland spend 32 percent more on gas and electricity than the average UK household, making them the worst affected region for the 250 percent rise in energy prices. Northern Ireland residents are forced to spend 66 percent more than those living in London - which is the area least impacted by rising electricity costs.

The capital was ranked lowest on the list, with residents spending the least amount of their weekly budget on heating their homes.

The second region worst affected by soaring energy costs is Scotland.

Scottish households currently spend 41 percent more of their weekly budget on gas and electricity than London.

Taking third place is the third devolved nation, Wales.

Welsh residents typically spend more on electricity each month than they do on rent.

The UK regions WORST hit by soaring energy prices

The UK regions WORST hit by soaring energy prices (Image: GETTY)


Up and down the UK, people are struggling to afford to heat their homes (Image: GETTY)

The Welsh spent ten percent more of their weekly household spending budget on heat and electricity than the average UK household, making them the area third most impacted by increased costs from energy suppliers.

Next in line after the devolved nations are the West Midlands, the North West and the North East.

Residents in the West Midlands and North West spent a third (38 percent) more of their weekly household budget on heating their homes than the capital, while households in the North East spend 28 percent more.

Rounding off the list is Yorkshire and the Humber, South West, South East, and finally London.

The findings come after average UK household gas bills rose by 28.1 percent and electricity bills 18.8 percent in the year to October.

Meanwhile, the National Energy Action (NEA) revealed the average household gas bill could increase by £467 from £466-a-year in October 2021 to £944 in April 2023.

This means the cost of heating the average home would have doubled since last winter - a detrimental rise to those already struggling to pay the bills.

NEA also warned that average domestic dual fuel energy bills, which have already soared by more than £230 per customer compared to last year, could increase by a further £550 a year in the Spring amid exploding gas prices across Europe.


Northern Ireland spends the biggest proportion of household budgets on gas and electricity (Image: GETTY)


Cold conditions will put further strain on households struggling to pay bills (Image: GETTY)

This hike will mean household finances in the worst affected regions are likely to have felt an even tighter squeeze.

A spokesperson for Boiler Central, which conducted the study using the ONS data, said: “As we power through the worst of winter, rising energy costs have been dominating headlines.

"When we look at the data, it’s clear that some areas of the UK are already spending disproportionately more on electricity than other regions, and will likely be most impacted by the hike in energy prices.

"While the government is looking into alternatives to fossil fuels - such as hydrogen and heat pumps - it could be several years until these become viable for every household, and in the meantime, families have to deal with ever more unaffordable gas prices".

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