Museums to ’struggle to REMAIN OPEN’ in no deal Brexit scenario - SHOCK claim

A NO DEAL Brexit could have devastating consequences for flagship British museums, which could become short of staff overnight, be forced to cancel major exhibitions and even “struggle to remain open”, according to secret memos.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

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National museums including London’s Victoria & Albert (V&A) and the Royal Museums Greenwich voiced their concerns regarding the UK withdrawing from the European Union without a deal.

Many of these flagship museums fear not striking a trade deal with the bloc could spike import taxes, which would have a direct impact on exhibitions.

As a consequence, they believe less engaging shows will lead to a curb in the number of tourists visiting British cities for their culture. 


V&A director Tristram Hunt told the Evening Standard: “The big one for us is how a no-deal Brexit would affect putting on exhibitions and taking our exhibitions around the world. 

“Our ability to hold blockbuster exhibitions while having to pay import duties would be really problematic.

“Our ability to promote British soft power and influence through exhibitions like David Bowie Is and Pink Floyd would be seriously compromised.

“That's bad for the London visitor economy. Four in five visitors to London come for the culture, and they are drawn by great museums and world class exhibitions.”

Mr Hunt added a no deal could even be “potentially damaging for British influence abroad.” 

brexit news no deal brexit london victoria and albert museum exhibition peoples vote

Brexit news: British museums fear the consequences of a no-deal Brexit (Image: GETTY)

In a secret memo by its head of Brexit and international strategy dated September 4 and released under Freedom of Information, the V&A warned it faces costs as high as £25million in case of a no-deal Brexit, due to import taxes on exhibits.

The note added: “We will struggle to keep the museum open to the public in the immediate short term.”

But museums and institutions also fear the potential loss of research funding.

In another memo also written in September, the Natural History Museum said it faces the loss of £2million in research funding and predicts. 

The Natural History Museum

Brexit news: The Natural History Museum said it faces up to £2m losses (Image: GETTY)

Victoria and Albert David Bowie exhibition

Brexit news: A David Bowie Is exhibition would be difficult to set up without a deal, it was claimed (Image: GETTY)

The London museum highlighted a potential decline of tourist visits of up to 15 per cent, which would cut up to £2.4million revenues.

It also warned of a negative emotional message and the potential departure of 150 staff.

The document said: “Uncertainty as to what any scenario would result in makes planning very difficult.”

The Royal Museums Greenwich also spoke of a possible crippling loss of staff, with the positions of as many as 70 people from EU countries possibly in danger. 

The Victoria and Albert Museum in London

Brexit news: The V&A warned it faces costs as high as £25million in case of a no-deal Brexit (Image: GETTY)

Before the EU referendum in 2016, Brexiteers including had dismissed concerns already raised by major museums.

An open letter signed claimed cutting EU fees would have created “more than enough money” to spend on museums.

However, former Culture Secretary Ben Bradshaw, now backing the People’s Vote campaign for a fresh referendum, fuelled museums fears, saying: “The mess created by the Brexit elite in Westminster is now casting a long shadow over the future of our great museums.

“Millions of people every year visit them to discover and enjoy some of the most extraordinary collections assembled on this planet. Now, because of the ideological and half-baked way Brexit has been pursued, our museums face new costs, staff shortages, and may even have to close to the public.”  

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