Robin Williams' children, wife fight over late actor's estate

Robin Williams' children have accused his widow of 'greed' and claimed that she is trying to get more from his estate than she deserves in a bitter row over money and property.

Robin Williams' children, wife fight over late actor's estateWENN

Robin Williams' children and wife are said to be fighting over late actor's estate

Zak, Zelda and Cody Williams claimed that Susan Schneider Williams, the late actor's third wife, is engaged in a 'blatant attempt' to subvert their father's wishes.

They say she is adding 'insult to a terrible injury' and that they are 'heartbroken' by her actions.

Both sides are also warring over the memorabilia from Mr Williams' 40 year career and deeply personal items like family photos and a promise ring he gave to his widow.

Court documents filed in California show that Mrs Williams has accused the children of taking their father's things from the home they shared without her permission.

But they fired back and in a stinging passage they accused her of trying to 'manipulate the trust in a desperate attempt to get a larger proportion of Mr Williams' estate than she is otherwise entitled to'.

Mr Williams died at his £4.5 million home in Tiburon, California that he shared with Mrs Williams and her two teenage sons from a previous relationship on August 11 last year.

A coroner ruled that the cause of death was asphyxia and that it was suicide by hanging. It later emerged that the 63-year-old had been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease.

Robin Williams' children, wife fight over late actor's estateWENN

The star was pictured here with his children and his ex-wife Marsha Williams in 2007

In his will Mr Williams stipulated how he wanted his £30 million fortune to be split up but court documents show that four months later his family were already at loggerheads.

In her filing Mrs Williams, a graphic designer who married Mr Williams in 2011, claimed that some property was 'unilaterally removed' from their home 'days after Mr Williams' untimely death'.

Mrs Williams claims that she was only given three days notice before the children came round her house to remove other items and that she 'became frightened of the (them) invading her home' so turned them away.

When she consulted a lawyer she found that 'certain home-related services were canceled' including newspaper delivery.

In her complaint she describes how she lost her husband 'through a shocking and emotionally charged event'.

But the legal case has meant she has not been 'given time to grieve her loss free from the frenetic efforts to interfere with her domestic tranquillity.' In their response, Zak, 31, his son by his first wife, Valerie Velardi; and Zelda, 25, and Cody, 23, his daughter and son by his second wife, Marsha Garces Williams, said the row has left them 'heartbroken'.

They say that her account is 'ludicrous' and said that they have not been allowed into their father's home to collect photos of them together.

Susan Schneider Williams was married to Robin when he diedWENN

Susan Schneider Williams was married to Robin when he died

They point out that Mrs Williams was only married to their father for three years and that she has 'acted against his wishes by challenging the plans he so carefully made for his estate.' The children say that her actions are designed to 'prevent them from receiving what their father wanted them to receive.' In perhaps most stinging rebuke they say that Mrs Williams' allegations demonstrated 'the greed that appears to be driving petitioner's actions'.

They also say that the trustees of their father's will were in the process of drawing up a complete inventory of the home he lived in and that Mrs Williams should have waited until that was done.

In his will drawn up before his death Mr Williams said that his estate should be left to a trust whose beneficiaries include his children.

Mrs Williams, who signed a prenup agreement with Mr Williams, would have her own arrangement called the Susan Trust which had its own provisions.

However the terms of these two trusts have not prevented wrangling from both sides, particularly over Mr Williams' personal effects.

According to court documents, through their trust the children would get all 'clothing, jewelry, personal photos taken prior to his marriage to Susan'.

The children would also get his 'memorabilia and awards in the entertainment industry' and the contents of a second home in Napa, California.

Robin Williams took his own life last AugustWENN

Robin Williams took his own life last August

That would entitle them to Mr Williams' Oscar for Best Supporting Actor in 'Good Will Hunting', his six Golden Globes, two Emmys and five Grammys.

Mrs Williams says she has no claim on such items, which date back to the 1970s TV show Mork and Mindy, but she does want things like his collection of graphic novels, action figures and theatre masks.

She also wants the tuxedo he wore to their wedding and the promise ring he gave to her.

The children however disagreed and in their filing they said that the terms of both trusts are clear and that Mrs Williams is trying to introduce ambiguity where there is none.

They said: 'These collections were carefully amassed by Mr Williams over his lifetime and were precious to him.

'As the Williams children grew, so did their father's collections and they shared in their father's excitement as additions were made to his collection." Such divisions were absent when Williams died, sending Hollywood and his millions of fans into shock.

Mr Williams' hyperactive genius entertained generations of people for decades but at the same time he grappled with addiction and alcoholism which saw him see-saw between sobriety and relapse.

Susan Schneider Williams is asking for the tuxedo he wore to their weddingWENN

Susan Schneider Williams is asking for the tuxedo he wore to their wedding and a promise ring

His versatility in both TV and film was astonishing, from his breakthrough role playing an alien in Mork and Mindy to his lightning sharp stand up in which he parodied movie stars and politicians.

He was a riot in Mrs Doubtfire, a frenetic radio host on Good Morning, Vietnam, an inspirational lecturer in Dead Poets Society and an adult Peter Pan in Hook.

But his more serious work was critically acclaimed too as evidenced by his clutch of awards.

Jim Wagstaffe, a lawyer for Mrs Williams, denied that she was a gold digger and said that she was 'not somebody who has any sticky fingers'

He said: 'Mr Williams wanted his wife to be able to stay in her home and not be disrupted in her life with her children.

'Compared to what the Williams children were set to receive from their father, this is a bucket of water in a lake.'

A spokesman for the Williams children declined to comment.

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