Royal Wedding memorabilia goes on sale to help Windsor’s homeless

ROYAL Wedding memorabilia to celebrate Prince Harry and Meghan Markle has gone on sale to raise money for the homeless in Windsor just weeks after a local councillor called for the police to forcibly remove rough sleepers from the streets ahead of the ceremony.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Councillor calls to clear rough sleepers ahead of royal wedding

Non-profit brand For Richer, For Poorer launched a range of items with the aim of raising money to improve the lives of homeless sleeping rough in Windsor.

Each item features a crest that depicts issues faced by rough sleepers and a message explaining how the money raised will help homeless people in the borough.

The range of souvenirs include tea towels, mugs, t-shirts and postcards and are priced between £10 and £40.

On the website the charity explains in depth what buying each item will provide for a rough sleeper, from a toiletry kit to hot meals. 

Prince Harry and Meghan are both passionately committed to supporting those in need, including the UK's homeless

Murphy James, from Windsor Homeless Project

The most expensive piece of memorabilia is a commemorative plate, which is sold for £5,000 and will get someone off the street for an entire year. 

For Richer, For Poorer are working in collaboration with charity Windsor Homeless Project to help the town’s rough sleepers.

The project comes after Windsor’s Council leader Simon Dudley called for police to remove homeless people from the streets ahead of the royal wedding.

In a letter to the authorities in January, he argued that beggars and rough sleepers could show the borough in an “unfavourable light” during the royal wedding. 

Royal wedding's souvenir: A plate costing £5,000; Prince Harry and Meghan MarkleFOR RICHER FOR POORER/GETTY

A non profit brand has launched a range of Royal Wedding memorabilia to raise money for the homeless

Royal wedding memorabilia: Mugs FOR RICHER FOR POORER

The souvenirs are priced between £10 and £40

He said: “There is a growing concern amongst residents, businesses and visitors regarding the number of people occupying the streets of Windsor, who are begging during the day and in some cases taking occupancy throughout the night. 

“In the Royal Borough, we believe homelessness is completely unacceptable in a caring, compassionate community such as ours.

“We are working to create the necessary housing for our residents.

“Obviously, the level of tourist interest is set to multiply with the Royal Wedding in May 2018, and there are increased concerns from our residents about their safety. The whole situation also presents a beautiful town in a sadly unfavourable light. 

Prince Harry and Meghan MarkleGETTY

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will get married in Windsor on May 19

“It’s largely vagrancy and begging… People marching tourists to cash points to withdraw cash, hanging out near car park ticket machines to get discounts and ask tourists for money’ during a lengthy discourse with residents.”

Murphy James, from Windsor Homeless Project, called earlier this year Mr Dudley’s proposal “abhorrent”.

Speaking about how beneficial the sales of these memorabilia could be to rough sleepers he said: “Prince Harry and Meghan are both passionately committed to supporting those in need, including the UK's homeless.

“By celebrating their special day with a hard-hitting message, For Richer, For Poorer really highlights the challenges our homeless communities face on a daily basis. Together we can make a difference to their lives.”

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