Ukraine urges EU sanctions against former German Chancellor Schröder over links to Putin

UKRAINIAN foreign minister Pavlo Klimkin has urged the EU to level sanctions against former German Gerhard Schröder over his links to the Kremlin as he dubbed the 73-year-old “Putin’s most important lobbyist”.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Gerhard Schroder and Vladimir PutinGETTY

Gerhard Schröder has been accused of being 'Putin's most important lobbyist worldwide'

Mr Klimkin’s call for action follows an editorial he wrote for the Wall Street Journal on Friday, where he described Mr Schröder as “Putin’s key oligarch” and claimed the EU should put in force individual sanctions against him.

The Ukrainian minister told German newspaper Bild: "It is important that there are sanctions against those who advance Russian President Vladimir Putin's projects abroad.

"Gerhard Schröder is Putin's most important lobbyist worldwide.

“It should be examined whether the EU can take action." 

Gerhard Schroder is Putin's most important lobbyist worldwide

Pavlo Klimkin, Ukraine's Foreign Minister

The former German Chancellor was heavily criticised by the Ukrainian Government already in 2005.

At that time, Mr Schröder authorised the Nord Stream pipeline project, which allows Russia to delivers gas to Germany through a Baltic Sea pipeline without granting to Ukraine access as a transit country.

He then took up a chairmanship at the same company several weeks later.

After Russia’s illegal annexation of Crimea in 2014, Mr Schröder said that the European Union should not have stopped trusting Moscow and warned the EU and the US against implementing further sanctions “as they would hurt both sides”. 

Putin and SchroderGETTY

Mr Schroder has several links with Mr Putin's Russia

Last August, the former Chancellor accepted a board role worth more than £355 a year with state-controlled Russian oil giant Rosnet, which is currently subjected to Western sanctions over Moscow’s role in the Ukraine conflict. 

Angela Merkel then joined the chorus of criticism against her predecessor.

She said: “I don’t think what Schröder is doing is okay.”

Nevertheless, the German government has today rejected the idea of seeking punitive sanctions against Mr Schröder. 

Ukraine foreign minister Pavlo KlimkinGETTY

Ukraine foreign minister Pavlo Klimkin urged the EU to sanction Mr Schroder

Mrs Merkel’s spokesman Steffen Seibert said: "The German government, and the chancellor, do not see any reason to pursue considerations of this kind.”

MEP Elmar Brok, a foreign policy expert and member of Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU), told Bild it was “a scandal that a former chancellor now represents the interests of Putin.”

The EU has recently extended sanctions against Russian and Ukrainian officials by a further six months over their suspected involvement in the conflict in eastern Ukraine.

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