Labour's Brexit Secretary blasts Government for 'WASTING TIME' over transition agreement

LABOUR'S Shadow Brexit Secretary Keir Starmer has hit out at the Government and accused minsters of "wasting time fighting among themselves" just moments after news of the transition deal agreement was announced.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Davis shakes hands with Barnier ahead of URGENT Brexit meeting

Mr Starmer, the Labour MP for Holborn and St Pancras, reportedly complained about how long Brexit Secretary David Davis took to agree with his European counterpart on the terms for a transition deal.

He said “this agreement could have been signed months ago” but “ministers wasted time fighting among themselves”, according to BBC political editor Laura Kuenssberg.

Twitter users were quick to react to Mr Starmer’s comments.

Shane Morgan said: “Kier Starmer and Labour could have come up with policies months ago. Fence sitting must be catching.” 

David Davis and Keir StarmerGETTY

Keir Starmer accused the Government's minister of 'wasting time fighting themselves'

Ministers wasted time fighting among themselves

Labour's Brexit Secretary Keir Starmer

Another user branded Mr Starmer’s comment “rubbish” and added: “It was the remain MPs on all parties holding it back."

Mr Starmer’s criticism comes as Brexit negotiators Michel Barnier and David Davis announced they'd made a “decisive step” towards agreeing a joint legal text which will set out the rules for a “orderly withdrawal” of the UK from the bloc.

Before being signed off, the agreement will be taken to the next European Council of EU leaders summit taking place on Thursday for approval.

Speaking alongside Mr Davis at a Brussels press conference, Mr Barnier said that there were still issues the two parties have to discuss including those related to the Irish borders, adding: “We are not at the end of the road and there is a lot of work still to be done. 

David Davis in Brussels at the joint conferenceGETTY

Mr Davis said the UK and the EU made a 'decisive step' towards agreeing to a transition deal

Mr Barnier said: "What we are presenting to you today, here with David Davis, is a legal text.

"A joint legal text which constitutes in my mind a decisive step because we were able this morning to agree, and after all those days and nights of hard work, on a large part of what will make up an international agreement for the ordered withdrawal of the United Kingdom.

"A decisive step remains a step, we are not at the end of the road and there is a lot of work still to be done on important subjects including Ireland and Northern Ireland."

Speaking after Mr Barnier, Mr Davis called today’s agreement a "significant step" on ensuring a time-limited implementation period after Brexit.

The transition period is set to last from March 29, 2019 to December 2020 and has the aim to smooth the exit of Britain and implement new regulations and deals, including the one concerning trading. 

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