REVEALED: How ANY Brexit trade deal could see Britain tied to EU control INDEFINITELY

BRITAIN will never be “completely independent” from European Union rules if the nation wants to maintain economic ties with the EU after Brexit, a top economist claimed.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Hammond: EU-UK trade deal needs to be 'fair and balanced'

The intrusion of the European Union on Britain's sovereignty could well continue until after March 2019 through an independent legal body tasked settling disputes over UK-EU trades.

Professor Jens Holscher, Chair in Accounting, Finance & Economics at the University of Bournemouth, says this is because he believes Britain could expect to reach a similar agreement with Brussels to the one the bloc is discussing with Switzerland.

On Monday, Swiss foreign affairs minister Ignazio Cassis said his government could agree to accept the creation of an independent arbitration court to resolve disputes between Switzerland and the EU.

The idea of the court was first suggested by the European Union in January.

Prof Holscher said: "Switzerland is likely to become a model of what could happen between the UK and the EU. 

The EU has a strong preference towards having the European Court of Justice (ECJ) overseeing the talks and any future trade deal

Prof Holscher

"The EU has a strong preference towards having the European Court of Justice (ECJ) overseeing the talks and any future trade deal, but since the UK doesn't want that they will have to find a different solution."

Switzerland's inclination towards an independent court came after the EU stepped up pressure on Bern for a change in their relationship.

In December, Brussels said European and Swiss equities traders would be allowed access to each other’s markets for only one year, snubbing Bern’s request to grant such a move for an unlimited period.

The EU could adopt similar bullying behaviour in the attempt to reach an agreement with the UK that would still see some interference from Brussels within the UK's borders.

Prof Holscher said: "To the EU it is very important to trade with someone who has regulations similar to the European ones, so if Brussels can't have the ECJ overlooking agreements reached with the UK, it will opt for an independent court. 

ECJ sign; Theresa May and Donald TuskGETTY

The UK could still be under the EU's regulation after Brexit, experts claim

"The UK should be under no illusion that its relationship with the Union after Brexit will be entirely free from European regulations."

This claim comes after a week of difficult negotiations between Britain and the bloc, which on Wednesday dismissed Theresa May’s vision for a post-Brexit trade relationship and said she can’t have a “pick and mix approach” towards the negotiations.

President of the European Council Donald Tusk said: “I fully understand and respect Theresa May’s political objectives to demonstrate at any price that Brexit will be a success and was the right choice.

“I’m sorry, this is not our objective.

“No member state is free to pick only those sectors of the single market it likes, nor to accept the role of the ECJ only when it suits their interest. 

“By the same token, a pick-and-mix approach for a non-member state is out of the question.”

Although he believes the EU is not currently bullying the UK into taking the talks towards the direction Brussels desires, Prof Holscher said: "The power right now lies in the EU.

"Brussels has recently denied Chancellor Hammond the possibility to include financial services in the free trade agreements, the EU said it won't happen outside of the customs union."

Speaking in Canary Wharf at the headquarters of HSBC on Wednesday afternoon, Chancellor Philip Hammond said that it would be "hard to see any deal that did not include financial services as fair and balanced".

Still, Prof Holscher doesn't believe that the EU has any interest in giving the same threatening treatment Switzerland is receiving to the UK. 

Donald TuskGETTY

Donald Tusk accused the UK of 'cherry picking' to obtain the best possible trade deal

He said: "The Swiss economy is much smaller compared to the UK's one.

"Britain is far more important, so it has the power to negotiate, the EU will have to be far more amicable than it is with Switzerland.

"I am confident there will be free trade deals between the UK and the EU after Brexit, because Britain is an important market for, for example, German manufacturers, so it is in the interest of the countries within the bloc to strike a convenient deal."

In his opinion, Britain could successfully negotiate a trade deal similar to the one linking Brussels to Canada.  

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