Remainers take David Davis and Philip Hammond to HIGH COURT for ‘hiding reality of Brexit’

AN ARCH-REMAINER MEP is turning to the High Court to force the government to release studies concerning the economic impact of Brexit.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Philip Hammond, Molly Scott Cato and David DavisGETTY

Green MEP Molly Scott Cato is bringing David Davis and Philip Hammond to the High Court

Green MEP Molly Scott Cato and the Good Law Project campaign group are bringing forward their court fight against Downing Street today after ministers refused to release Whitehall 57 studies relating to 85 per cent of the economy.

The legal bid is being brought against Chancellor Philip Hammond and Brexit Secretary David Davis and will reach the High Court today.

The Remainers are also demanding the Treasury to release a report that compares the predicted costs of leaving the European Union with the benefits of finding new economic ties and free trade agreements with other countries.

The Government had previously agreed in July 2017 to release the studies on the economic impact of Brexit. 

The Government's desperate desire to hide the reality of Brexit from its own people will not work

Jolyon Maugham QC of Good Law Project

However, Parliament agreed it would withhold information that might be considered confidential or commercially sensitive and that it would have not published “anything that would undermine the Government’s ability to negotiate the best deal for Britain”. 

Previously commenting on the studies, Brexit minister Robin Walker said: “The Department for Exiting the European Union, working with officials across Government, continues to undertake a wide range of analysis to support our negotiations.

“Our work covers the breadth of the UK economy, and we are looking in detail at more than 50 sectors as well as areas of cross-cutting regulation.

“Parliament has agreed that we will not publish anything that would undermine the Government’s ability to negotiate the best deal for Britain.” 

David Davis outside Number 10GETTY

The Government had previously agreed in July 2017 to release the studies

Jolyon Maugham QC of Good Law Project, which has raised £60,000 through crowdfunding for legal fees, previously said: "The Government's desperate desire to hide the reality of Brexit from its own people will not work. 

"Our old-fashioned, home-grown common law gives us the right to see these documents - not just whatever's left after a minister, desperate for secrecy, has gone at them with a thick black marker pen."

Government lawyers are urging the court to refuse permission for a full judicial review, arguing there is an "alternative remedy" available under the Freedom of Information Act.

The hearing is due to take place before Mr Justice Supperstone. 

Molly Scott CatoGETTY

Molly Scott Cato and the Good Law Project launched the challenge in October last year

Mrs Scott Cato and the Good Law Project launched the challenge in October last year, following a crowdfunding campaign aiming to cover the costs of the judicial review proceedings.

The campaigners said: “We believe we have a right to know what the Government thinks are the economic consequences of leaving the EU.

“Political elites should not restrict information and deliberately leave us in the dark about the future of our own country.

“For Brexit to be justified as an expression of democratic will that democratic will must be informed.”   

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