‘We won't pay for YOUR error’ Fuming Orban shatters EU unity with migrant attack on Merkel

FURIOUS Hungarian leader Viktor Orban shattered the well orchestrated unity on show in Brussels today as he launched a scathing attack on Angela Merkel’s immigration policies.

Victor Orban slams Merkel's migrant policy

The hard-line prime minister accused Germany of trying to pass the buck for its “mistake” letting in so many people by sending them to other countries under an EU quota scheme. 

He launched into a vicious tirade as he arrived in Brussels for a meeting of the EU Council this morning, vowing once again that Hungary will not accept the controversial policy. 

The get together of the 28 European heads of Government is expected to be dominated by the humanitarian crisis in Aleppo and the possibility of further sanctions against Russia. 

Viktor Orban and Angela MerkelAFP/EPA

Hungary's Viktor Orban launched a furious attack on Angela Merkel today

But Mr Orban was more keen to talk about the issue of migration, claiming that the majority of arrivals in Europe are “economic migrants” and not genuine refugees. 

He blasted: “We are still fighting over the mandatory migrant quotas. The Hungarians don't want what the Germans, or to be precise, Angela Merkel demands. 

“The Germans and other countries who made the mistake of letting these people into the EU are now trying to share them out, so every country also inherits their problem. Hungary doesn't like this approach.” 

Theresa May and Dalia GrybauskaitėEU/AFP

Theresa May has been given some support by Lithuania's leader

Federica Mogherini arrives for the EU Council meetingAFP

Federica Mogherini swatted away questions about Brexit

Mr Orban also set himself on the warpath with eurocrats by vowing to do everything in his power to block the scheme, which 98 per cent of Hungarians who voted rejected in a national referendum earlier this year. 

Elsewhere as EU leaders arrived for the summit this morning Lithuania's leader swatted aside the suggestion that it could take at least a decade to negotiate a Brexit trade deal with Britain. 

The country's president failed to hide her scepticisim when presented with the claim, which was made by the UK's ambassador in Brussels. 

A visibly stunned  Dalia Grybauskaite gasped: "Ten years? I hope it will be a lot less!" 

The leader of the tiny Baltic state expressed sympathy for Theresa May's attempts to negotiate a sensible deal with Brussels, and said her country would use its influence to press for constructive talks. 

Theresa May welcomes EU leaders Brexit talks

The Hungarians don't want what the Germans, or to be precise, Angela Merkel demands

Hungary PM Viktor Orban

Asked what she would say to the UK prime minister at today's meeting of the EU Council, she replied: "That I understand how difficult it will be for her to negotiate, because of course she will be negotiating practically against 27".

She added: "But having in mind Britain is important from an economic and security point of view, I don’t expect that it will be rivals. It will be partners talking about British and European Union relations for the future." 

Other EU leaders were far more tight-lipped on Brexit as they arrived at the organisation's headquarters in Brussels for the crunch talks today. 

Several, including Greece's Alexis Tsipras and Belgium's Charles Michel, answered questions on the day's other agenda items but conspiciously fled the cameras when the thorny subject of Britain was raised. 

And others stuck rigidly to the European Union's official policy that there can be "no negotiation without notification", reiterating their calls for Mrs May to trigger Article 50 as soon as possible. 

Finnish PM Juha Sipla would only say: "We will start in the end of March that’s for sure." 

And Luxembourg's Xavier Bettel tetchily answered: "I think that we are still waiting for Article 50 to be triggered by the British government. This has to happen for us to start the negotiations. We will not negotiate before. These are the conditions that must be respected." 

Outgoing EU Parliament chief Martin Schulz told reporters: "I hope that the Article 50 will be triggered as soon as possible, as the earlier the easier it is for me to answer your questions."

And EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini instantly shut down all questions on the subject, sighing: "That’s not foreign policy yet." 

Leaders of the 28 EU member states will discuss a variety of issues at today's meeting including the situation in Syria and the possibility of further sanctions against Russia, the ongoing response to the migrant crisis and the drive to create a European army. 

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