WATCH: Corbyn jeered after being 'congratulated' on being re-elected Labour leader

JEREMY CORBYN was mockingly cheered and jeered at PMQs after being congratulated on being re-elected Labour leader.

Corbyn jeered in the House after re-election

Theresa May offered her praise to her rival in the House on Wednesday after he overwhelmingly defeated Owen Smith in last month’s Labour election campaign.

After offering her congratulations, there was an eruption of cheers and laughter from behind the Prime Minister, with Chancellor Philip Hammond noticeably amused.

She then welcomed Mr Corbyn back to “his place” in the Commons.

Jeremy Corbyn and Theresa May in the House of CommonsPARLIAMENT TV

Jeremy Corbyn was mocked in the House of Commons by Jeremy Corbyn

In response he told her: “I am most grateful to the over 300,000 people who voted for me to become the leader of my party.

“Which is rather more than voted for her to be the leader of her party.”

Mr Corbyn also attacked .

Mrs May hit back, arguing it was "never the policy the Home Secretary announced”.

Unhappy with her response, the Labour leader said she “seems to be slightly unaware of what’s going on. This government has no answers. Just gimmicks and scapegoats”.

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