'EU nations FAILED not Brussels' Juncker and Schultz blame MEMBER STATES for migrant chaos

BRUSSELS chiefs Jean-Claude Juncker and Martin Schulz teamed up tonight to lay the blame for Europe’s spiralling migrant crisis squarely at the feet of EU member states.

"Refugee crisis fault of member states not EU"- Schulz

The presidents of the EU Commission and Parliament insisted they were “not failing” on the issue of refugees, but whined that they are being held back by reluctant national governments. 

Both men complained of a “renationalisation” of politics across the continent and said the EU was facing a crisis of disunity. 

But they also insisted that the recent Bratislava summit, at which Germany, Italy and France publicly fell out in spectacular style, was “not a disaster”. 

Asked why the EU was failing so badly to tackle the migrant crisis, Mr Juncker fired back: “Not the EU is failing, some member states.” 

Jean-Claude Juncker and Martin SchulzFrance 24

Jean-Claude Juncker and Martin Schulz have blamed member states for the migrant crisis

Jean-Claude JunckerFrance 24

Mr Juncker said EU countries should accept Brussels migrant quotas

Moving on to the imposition of mandatory migrant quotas, which some countries including Hungary are trying to block, he added: “You cannot impose solidarity, solidarity has to come from the heart. Most of the member states are agreeing with the policy of the Parliament and the Commission.” 

Mr Schulz agreed that it was “several member states” who were blocking the way forward for Brussels to deal with the refugee crisis by “ignoring” the orders of bureaucrats. 

He said: “Germany received last year a million refugees if you distribute them amongst 508 million Europeans in 28 countries it’s not a problem but if only four or five countries have to tackle the challenge and 20 countries say we have nothing to do with it then it is a problem. 

“We adopted rules and the Member States are not applying the rules. The failure is on the national level.

“Solidarity is a principle not cherry picking and if some countries put that principle in doubt they put in doubt the basis of the European Union.”  

Martin SchulzFrance 24

Mr Schulz blasted member states for ignoring the EU Commission and Parliament

The France 24 debateFrance 24

The pair appeared on France 24 this evening

Not the EU is failing, some member states

Jean-Claude Juncker

Mr Juncker and Mr Schulz appeared together for a 14-minute segment on the French TV station France 24 to discuss the future direction of the Brussels project. 

During the debate they repeated that Britain will not be able to maintain access to the Single Market without accepting freedom of movement, adding that the failure to swiftly trigger Article 50 was a “failure” on the part of Theresa May’s government. 

Striking a more conciliatory tone than in recent interventions, Mr Juncker said he respected Britain’s need to take its time before officially initiating divorce proceedings. 

He said: “You have to give time, the British will make their decision when the time is right. We think the time is right but it’s up to the British to make that decision. 

“It depends on the way the UK will trigger Article 50. We are prepared but as we decided the institutions and the 27 member states we are not negotiating without notification. 

“We know what we want we are saying a country leaving but asking for a free access to the internal market has to respect the basic rules of the internal market including and mainly the free movement of workers and we’re prepared for that debate.” 

Meanwhile Mr Schulz repeated his remarks that he was “surprised” that the UK Government was apparently so ill prepared for a Leave vote in the referendum. 

He remarked: “The EU is not in a good shape because the member states are disunited and they are disunited because of a lack of common European spirit. 

“There’s a virus of renationalisation entered also into the room of the heads of state and government. 

“Bratislava was not a failure, it was not a step forward but it was visible and understandable that there is a certain commitment to stick together after the UK decided to leave the EU.” 

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