Enda Kenny: Cameron close to EU deal

THE Irish Taoiseach has suggested that David Cameron is on the brink of making a deal with other European leaders on his renegotiation of Britain's membership terms of the EU.

David Cameron and an EU flagGETTY

David Cameron is close to an EU deal, according to Enda Kenny

Enda Kenny said he was “very positive" about the outcome in a joint press conference with the Prime Minister, in comments which appear to justify fears by eurosceptics that the renegotiation has already been “stitched up". 

The two men also revealed that European Council President Donald Tusk will next week publish a letter on Mr Cameron's four demands ahead of the EU summit in February. 

The four proposals including the demand to stop EU migrants receiving benefits for four years, which has been strongly opposed by Eastern European countries, have been described as “unambitious" by Tory eurosceptic backbenchers and Ukip. 

The summit came after Mr Cameron faced demands from 40 of his MPs to hold a meeting with them over the renegotiation.

Mr Kenny, who is facing a difficult election campaign in Ireland and was enthusiastically praised by Mr Cameron, described the outcome of Britain's in/ out EU referendum as “critical" for his country. 

He said there were still "complications" in relation to the proposals, which will be considered at a crunch meeting of EU leaders in February. 

But in a boost to Mr Cameron's agenda, Mr Kenny said the problems were "solvable" and he hoped it was possible a deal could be done at the summit in Brussels. 

"I actually believe that all of these are solvable, in a really positive sense," he said.

Union Jack flag and EU flagGETTY

40 MPs have demanded Cameron holds a meeting with them over the renegotiation

Enda KennyGETTY

Enda Kenny said the problems affecting any kind of deal were 'solvable'

We are making progress in our negotiations

David Cameron

Setting out his desire for the UK to vote to stay in the 28-member bloc, he said: "Europe will be much stronger with Britain as a central and fundamental member." 

He added: "I have not seen President Tusk's paper yet and obviously the Prime Minister has pointed out himself his view on whether it's absolutely necessary that we should do it in February. 

"My belief is that of the four issues that are on the table there, there are still complications with one or two of those. 

"But I think these are issues which can be sorted and can be agreed. 

"I would hope personally that it might be possible to do it in February but then I can't speak for all of the other countries around the table." 

He also called for businesses to speak out on the issue, highlighting the importance of reforming the EU to "work more effectively in the interests of greater trade, of trade agreements, the opportunity to cut unemployment, to create employment and so on".

The Grassroots Out campaignGETTY

Eurosceptics believe the renegotiation has already been 'stitched up'

Mr Cameron said: "We have discussed the areas where I have set out we need to see reform, on economic governance, on sovereignty and competitiveness and, of course, on welfare. 

"The UK and Ireland share a strong desire to make the EU more competitive and to prioritise free trade agreements with the fastest-growing markets across the world. 

"We are making progress in our negotiations and I am confident that with the right political will we can secure the reforms that will address the concerns of the British people."

And Mr Cameron underlined his own pro-EU credentials, when he said: "Imagine the scale of the prize if we can remain a member of the single market, with 500 million consumers, a quarter of the global economy, with a seat at the table and a say over the rules, making sure we do right by our business, for jobs, investment and growth in the UK. 

"Combined with action to make sure we deal with the things that frustrate people about the EU." 

EU Referendum: What we know

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