POLL: Should Humza Yousaf resign? Vote now

Humza Yousaf is facing pressure to resign as Scotland's First Minister, but do you think he should? Vote and join in the debate below.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Douglas Ross lodges vote of no confidence in Humza Yousaf

Scotland’s First Minister is battling for his political future and .

This follows the collapse of the ’s .

The Scottish Tories brought a , and the Scottish Greens have said they will support it.

Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar lodged a motion of no confidence in the entire Scottish Government on Friday, which if successful would force Mr Yousaf and all of his minister to quit immediately.

and hopes the Scottish Greens will change their mind.

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POLL: Should Humza Yousaf resign? (Image: Getty)

On Saturday he wrote to Scotland’s opposition parties asking them to find “common ground”.

He said of the Greens: “I do hope they will reconsider their position because there is a lot of issues, a lot of priorities, that both the SNP and the Greens share”.

Mr Yousaf also refused to rule out a new Holyrood election, insisting that the SNP was “prepared if that’s required”.

Douglas Ross, the Scottish Tory leader, said Mr Yousaf’s attempts to make amends with the Greens amounted to a “desperate and humiliating attempt by a lame duck First Minister to save his job”.

He added: “Humza Yousaf has failed Scotland, his Government is in meltdown and, despite his bluster, he knows he’s finished. He has the cheek to claim he now seeks compromise with opposition parties when he and the SNP have divided Scotland at every turn. The only letter I want to see from Humza Yousaf is one announcing his resignation.”

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He continued: “The Scottish Conservative vote of no confidence in Humza Yousaf will go ahead and my party is urging every MSP disillusioned with his dismal leadership to back it.”

While Green MSP Gillian MacKay told BBC Radio Scotland: “There’s a lot of hurt and upset. It’s a bit late for an apology, what Humza needs is a time machine to go back and undo the decision he made.”

She added: “We don’t want to be in this position but it’s the First Minister who’s put us here. This First Minister has let Scotland down.”

So what do YOU think? Should Mr Yousaf resign? Vote in our poll and join the debate in the comment section below.

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