POLL: Should UK be aligning closer with Poland?

Andrew Neil has urged the UK to have a closer relationship with Warsaw the new rising power in Europe. But do you agree? Vote and join in the debate below.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Andrew Neil

POLL: Should UK be aligning closer with Poland? (Image: PA)

Broadcaster has claimed that the power balance in Europe is shifting away from France and Germany to the east with rising, which is a “huge opportunity” for the UK.

He said that Warsaw is rearming at a “breathtaking” rate, spending around three percent of its gross domestic product (GDP) on defence, rising to four percent by 2025, the highest percentage in Europe.

He added that this will leave it with the largest “combat-ready, land army” in Europe and “one of the best-equipped”, ahead of much bigger NATO allies.

He explained in his Daily Mail column: “The rise of Poland as a military and diplomatic power of significance is rewriting the power balance in Europe. Taken together with the NATO membership of Sweden and Finland (and some rearming of their own), power in Europe is tilting east, away from Paris and Berlin, both of whom have lost their way and now squabble among themselves. President Macron struggles to cope with unrest on his streets, Chancellor Scholz with unrest in his unruly coalition.”

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He noted that both the UK and Poland have similar views and Warsaw “sees the world largely as we do” including its stance on Ukraine and the European Union.

Poland has been a key ally of Kyiv, sending aid and avoiding reliance on Russian energy and enabling the funnelling of military and humanitarian assistance.

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Mr Neil explained: “We have excellent relations with Warsaw, Stockholm, Helsinki, the Baltic states and other east European countries, all of whom have a high regard for us.

“It is a huge opportunity to continue to play a major role in Europe, even outside the EU, if only British statecraft can rise to the occasion.”

But what do YOU think? Should the UK be aligning closer with Poland? Vote in our poll and join the debate in the comment section below.

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