Rishi Sunak has shown ‘no real commitment’ to tackling immigration – YOUR VIEW

Readers have argued that the Prime Minister is not doing enough to tackle wildly out-of-control immigration levels in an exclusive Express.co.uk poll.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Prime Minister tackles questions on latest immigration figures

The UK’s net figures have reached a record high with data from the Office for National Statistics showing that in 2022 an estimated 1.2 million people arrived in the UK, while 557,000 left.

Prime Minister has faced criticism over his management of the UK’s borders after successive Conservative Governments pledged to reduce immigration.

Mr Sunak said that the numbers were not out of control, “just too high”. He did not share what the ideal figure would be.

He told ITV’s This Morning on Thursday, May 25: “We’ve got to be sensitive to the needs of the [National Health Service], the economy, but fundamentally the numbers are too high – I’m bringing them down.”

But a  has found that a staggering 96 percent of readers think Mr Sunak is not doing enough to tackle immigration.

READ MORE:'Record' migration figures laid bare as Sunak admits migration is 'too high'

Rishi Sunak in Japan

A staggering 96 percent of readers think that Rishi Sunak is not doing enough to tackle immigration (Image: Getty)

In a poll that ran from 10am on Friday, May 26, to 1pm on Tuesday, May 30, : “Is Rishi Sunak doing enough to tackle immigration numbers?”

Overall, 3,890 votes were cast with the overwhelming majority, 96 percent (3,750 people) answering “no” he is not doing enough, compared with three percent (117 people) who said “yes” he is. A further one percent (23 people) said they did not know.

Dozens of comments were left below the accompanying article as .

UK immigration chart

The UK’s immigration figures have reached a record high (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

The predominant argument among readers was that despite Mr Sunak being outspoken on immigration policies there was a lack of action. Username doingavoctor commented: “Only soundbites, no real action, or, in my view, no real commitment.”

Similarly, username Claremont77 wrote: “Is Sunak doing enough? No, he doesn't seem to be doing anything. Words themselves are not enough, let's see some actual action!”

Another, username likacrose remarked that immigration has “gone way too far now”.

While username Tilly2000 said: “Sunak has done absolutely nothing to control our borders, we need a strong prime minister to get the job done.”

However, a minority of readers thought that Mr Sunak’s leadership was not responsible for the latest immigration figures. Username SamH explained: “Really, it's Priti Patel and Boris [Johnson] that are behind these immigration figures. Sunak came to power practically in November 2022 and Braverman in September 2022. It was too late to do anything about the 2022 figures.”

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